The Roles of Building Staff: Working as a Team for the Good of All

/ Owner - October 10, 2017

Supers, building managers, maintenance persons, custodial staff, groundskeeping personnel, porters, doormen, concierges—depending on the size of a community, the staff roster for a condo, co-op or HOA can be pretty long. The truth is, in the case of almost any building or association over five units, at least a few of these people are necessary to the effective management and maintenance of the property.  Traditionally in multifamily buildings, whether a high-rise elevator building or garden-style apartment complex, there was a live-in super who handled day-to-day maintenance and minor repair work. When something went wrong, that’s who you called. The sink is backed up, call the super; an electrical outlet doesn’t work call the super. Need to install an air conditioner? Call the super. All that was required was a small tip to show your gratitude.     Read the article……………

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