Condominium Association’s Right to an Easement (MI)

/ Owner - March 17, 2017

In today’s day and age, it is almost unheard of to own a parcel of real estate that is not in some way encumbered by an easement. An easement is an ownership interest in real property that grants the holder of the easement the right to use another’s property for a limited purpose. For example, the overwhelming majority of real estate is encumbered with easements in favor of utilities. These types of easements grant utility companies the right to enter onto the property for limited purposes such as maintaining and repairing equipment. In other cases, the easement may grant the utility the right to maintain a pole or meter on the property. Other common easements grant the holder the right to cross over another’s property for the purpose of accessing a driveway or public road.     Read the article…………….

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