Is your Resale Certificate up-to-date? (VA)

/ Owner - October 27, 2017

If there is one thing we seem to be able to count on from the Virginia General Assembly, its frequent amendments to the statutes regarding association resale certificates and 2017 was no exception.  Under the “News You Can Use” section of this site, Jeanne Lauer explained the new legislation regarding “For Sale” signs in condominium and homeowners associations which became effective July 1, 2017. That posting is a must read for anyone preparing resale certificates for an association because “For Sale” sign regulations in your Declaration (and/or Bylaws for a condominium) must be disclosed in association resale certificates. Unless you are familiar with the new “For Sale” sign statute regarding limitations on an association’s ability to regulate signs, you could easily disclosure incorrect information to prospective purchasers and that’s no way to get off to a good start with new members of the community.    Read the article………………..

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