Awards the crew of the Rochester may be eligible for:




1. The National Defense Service Medal will be awarded to all persons in the Naval Service who served on active duty at any time between 27 June 1950 and 29 July 1954.

2. All personnel serving on active duty during the above period .

(Executive Order No. 10448 of 22 April 1953) and (Department of Defense Directive 1348.7 of 15 July 1953.)


 korean service KoreanSrvMedal1

1. By executive Order No. 10179 the President of the United States, on 8 November 1950 established the “KOREAN SERVICE MEDAL” to commemorate the service of members of the Armed Forces of the United States during operations in the Korean area.

2. Such duty must have performed between 27 June 1950 and 29 July 1954.

3. Sea duty- Service of one or more days in the designated area while attached to and serving on board a vessel of the Navy or other vessel to which regularly assigned for duty.

4. The following engagement stars have been authorized for the Korean Service Medal for participation in combat operations. Only one star is authorized for participation in one or more engagements with the same code.

  • K-1 North Korean Aggression: 27 June 1950 to 2 November 1950
  • K-2 Communist China Aggression: 3 November 1950 to 24 January 1951
  • K-3 Inchon Landing: 15 to 17 September 1950
  • K-4 First U.N. Counter Offensive: 25 January 1951 to 21 April 1951
  • K-5 Communist China Spring Offensive: 22 April 1951 to 8 July 1951
  • K-6 U.N. Summer-Fall Offensive: 9 July 1951 to 27 November 1951
  • K-7 Second Korean Winter: 28 November 1951 to 30 April 1952
  • K-8 Korean Defense, Summer-Fall: 1 May 1952 to 30 November 1952
  • K-9 Third Korean Winter: 1 December 1952 to 30 April 1953
  • K-10 Korean Summer-Fall: 1 May 1953 to 27 July 1953

U. S. S. ROCHESTER CA 124 ( eligible ships )

Date and Codes:

  1. K-1: 2 JULY to 12 SEPT. 1950
  2. K-1: 16 SEPT. to 2 NOV. 1950
  3. K-2: 2 NOV. 50 to 9 JAN. 51
  4. K-3: 15-17 SEPT. 50
  5. K-6: 26-27 NOV. 51
  6. K-7: 28 NOV. 51 to 12 DEC. 51
  7. K-7: 26 DEC. 51 to 10 JAN. 52
  8. K-7: 6-19 FEB. 52
  9. K-7: 21 FEB. 52 to 4 MAY 52
  10. K-7: 19 MAR. 52 to 6 APR. 52
  11. K-7: 8-15 APR. 52
  12. K-9: 1-28 DEC. 52
  13. K-9: 14 JAN. 53 to 10 FEB. 53
  14. K-9: 24 FEB. 53 to 18 MAR. 53

China Service Medal

china service ChinaSrvMedal1

7-14 Mar 55

23-25 Mar 55

10 Apr – 8 May 55

Navy Occupation Asia Clasp






United Nations Korean Service

unkorea UNSrvMedal1


Korean War Service

The Air Force will receive and distribute the recently approved Korean War Service Medal offered to U.S. service members more than 50 years ago, but never issued.


The medal was originally offered to United Nations forces serving in Korea and adjacent waters by the Republic of Korea in 1951. At the time, U.S. law prohibited the military from wearing medals issued by foreign governments; however, Congress changed that in 1954. By then though, most U.S. service members eligible for the medal had returned home.

In a letter sent to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen May 13, Republic of Korea Defense Minister Seong Tae Cho announced his government would provide the Republic of Korea War Service Medal to eligible U.S. veterans of that conflict, or to their surviving next of kin.

The United States and Korean governments will conduct 50th anniversary ceremonies throughout 2000-2003 and medals may be applied for at any time during this period.

To wear this medal on U.S. military uniforms, U.S. military members must have:

  • Served between the outbreak of hostilities, June 25, 1950 and the date the armistice was signed, July 27, 1953
  • been on permanent assignment or on temporary duty for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days, and
  • performed their duty within the territorial limits of Korea, in the waters immediately adjacent thereto or in aerial flight over Korea participating in actual combat operations or in support of combat operations.

The ROK specifies the eligibility period and criteria. Only the ROK-provided medal is approved by the U.S. government to meet the criteria for wear on the military uniform.

To apply, veterans must provide a copy of their discharge paper, DD-214, or a corrected version of that document, a DD-215. Additional information on how to apply for, or request the medal, can be found by contacting the Air Force Personnel Center, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST) at (800) 558-1404, or the Awards and Decorations Section (210) 565-2432/2520/2516, fax (210) 565-3118, or by writing to HQ AFPC/DPPPRA, 550 C Street West, Suite 12, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 78150-4714.

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation


Criteria: The Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation is awarded by the Korean government. Not more than one Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation will be worn by any individual and no oak leaf cluster or other appurtenance is authorized.

Background: a. The Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation emblem is authorized for permanent wear by personnel assigned to the organization during the period cited. Other personnel may wear this decoration while serving with an organization, stationed in the Republic of Korea, to indicate the unit has been awarded the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation.