The U.S.S Rochester Association is comprised of naval veterans who served on the Rochester while it was commissioned. The association publishes a quarterly newsletter and has a reunion every 2 years. If you served on board the U.S.S. Rochester you are eleigible to join the association. In addition, at the San Antonio, 2014 meeting of the members, it was decided:
On September 29, 2014, the committee of the whole met in its Designated Business Meeting to consider, in part, a motion to establish a new “Associate Membership” for the Association. The motion, as amended, would establish a dues-paying, voting, Associate Membership for spouses and bona fide descendants and relatives of ROCHESTER Members (See Article III, Section 1). The amendment and motion were seconded, discussed, and passed by two-thirds majority, as required by Article XIII.
The Amendment shall be as follows:
Amendment I
“Associate Membership” to the USS ROCHESTER Association shall be open to spouses and bona fide descendants (including adopted or step children) and relatives of any military personnel who served aboard the USS ROCHESTER while underway. Associate Members are subject to the same privileges and requirements as “Voting Membership” as described in Article III, Section 1, of the “Constitution and Bylaws of the USS Rochester Association.”
Newsletters are mailed quarterly to those former crewmembers, wives, sons, grandsons, daughters, granddaughters, brothers, nieces and nephews who have joined the Association.
Membership is $25.00 annually.
Print a copy of the form and mail it to:
Pete Russell, 7415 Shady Palm Dr., Springfield, VA 22153
Phone (703) 509-5721
Make checks payable to: U.S.S. Rochester Association