1959 WestPac Cruise……from Randy Steffen
“During the 1959 WestPac Cruise, I was a brand-new Seaman Apprentice assigned to the Sixth Division. During the cruise, I borrowed a 35mm camera and shot one roll of film. The photographs were developed and sent back to me as slides. I mailed these slides to my Mother back in Garrett, Indiana. As the years passed, I had forgotten they even existed and then in 1987 my Mother passed away and a few of her personal belongings were sent on to me where, until recently, they remained packed away. After my wife and I moved from Imperial Beach, CA to Las Vegas, NV last September, I rediscovered those forgotten slides while unpacking some boxes. After I had the slides made into regular photos, I wanted to share them with the Association.”
- Hong Kong harbor
- Friendly natives
- Hong Kong
- Motor whale boat
- Gun Director
- Carriers in Hong Kong harbor
- C130 cargo plane
- In Hong Kong harbor – Entertainment on hanger bay hatch cover
- LCM-3 approaching accomodations ladder
- Our “Stack” – The single stack was an identifying feature of the Oregon City Class heavy cruiser. The Engineering “E”, with Hash Mark, is but one indication of the pride that was demonstrated and felt by all hands
- Underway – Safety nets are down on the port quarter. Possible helicopter operations
- Helicopter operations – “I wonder if they brought mail and new movies”
- Hong Kong harbor
- Mount Fujiyama
- Seaman Apprentice Steffen
- Port side motor whaleboat – Note fancy work on the standing rigging. Not permitted today.
- 3″ 50 mount w/ 5″ 38 behind
- More helicopter operations
- Teak wood decks – Required more than routine cleaning to maintain its natural light color
- “I hope those 1st Div. guys don’t catch me mucking around on their forecastle
- Hong Kong harbor – Under jack staff is one of the ship’s bells.
- Captain’s Gig & Admiral’s Barge
- Hong Kong harbor – From underneath the 8″ gun barrles of Turret 3. Note flag with 48 stars
- British carrier
- 50′ Motor Boat – 40′ Utility Boat alongside. Made fast to boat boom. Fun to come aboard during rough seas
- Admiral’s barge underway
- Mount Fujiyama
- Possible British helicopter
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong
- Water taxi in Hong Kong