
Everything Condo Residents Need to Know About Assessments (ON)

Residents living in a condominium community appreciate amenities and other benefits, but these features come at a price, paid for…

2 years ago

Here’s How Your HOA Can Avoid Special Assessments

These assessments usually happen because there is a shortfall in the HOA budget and unexpected repairs, but in recent years…

2 years ago

What to Do With Your HOA’s Budget Surplus (NC)

Community associations are usually incorporated as not-for-profit corporate entities; therefore, an association’s goal is to avoid making a profit or…

2 years ago

The Right Reasons for Raising HOA Dues

Acommunity association’s board of directors is elected by fellow homeowners to make decisions for the well-being of the community, including…

2 years ago

Inflation and Reserves: The Implications on Capital Planning

As we all know by now, inflation has moved into our lives and isn’t estimated to move out for about…

2 years ago

Pasco Co. seniors frustrated after ‘astronomical’ increase in HOA fees (FL)

The Ashton Oaks homeowners association is proposing a 33% increase in fees for residents living in villas in Wesley Chapel. …

2 years ago

Condo Association Budget Season Tips: How to Cut Costs and Increase your Reserves (Without Raising Assessments)

It’s that time of year again — budget season for Condo Associations! If you’re a Board member or Property Manager,…

2 years ago

5 Reasons Why Condo Common Charges Are Going (Way) Up (NY)

Condo common charges — covering operating expenses like staff, repairs, amenities, property management and insurance — are high partly because…

2 years ago

7 Expert Tips to Ensure a Successful Budget Season for HOA’s and Condos

Creating a budget is essential for the overall health of a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) or condominium association. A well-planned budget…

2 years ago

How Inflation Can Impact Your HOA or Condo

As there are economic shifts happening, you may wonder how this may affect your Condo or HOA. Inflation can lead…

2 years ago