Outrage in La Quinta HOA after drag queen cut from bingo event (CA)

Controversy has erupted at a south La Quinta homeowners association community over a scheduled community drag bingo event after the featured drag performer was cut from the event. The decision is blamed on concerns from some members of the community that are being criticized by some as homophobic discrimination.   Read the article………………………..

HOA Homefront — Solar for our whole HOA? (CA)

Q: We are a small HOA. We are debating going community solar contract vs individual solar installation contracts and looking for information to help us with the pros and cons of each. Do you have any information, or knowledge of a HOA that approved community-wide solar installation? Can you give us some insight as to […]

AB 1101 Puts Condos at Risk (CA)

The California legislature is considering AB 1101 that would amend Civil Code §5551 and Health and Safety Code §17973 which require inspections of “exterior elevated elements” on condominiums and apartments for safety. These include balconies, elevated walkways, and staircases made of wood or wood-based products. The point is to detect or intercept rot that would […]

HOA Homefront: Solar for our whole HOA? Can mine be on common area roof? (CA)

Q: We are a small HOA. We are debating going with a community solar contract vs. individual solar installation contracts and looking for information to help us with the pros and cons of each. Do you have any information or knowledge of an HOA that approved community-wide solar installation? Can you give us some insight […]

HOA Homefront – Tips before the balcony inspection deadline (CA)

On June 16, 2015, a fifth-floor balcony at a Berkeley apartment building collapsed, killing seven people, allegedly due to weakening by severe dry rot. Three years later, the state of California adopted Senate Bill 721, requiring owners of multi-unit residential buildings to obtain architect or structural engineer inspections of above-ground “exterior elevated elements” by 2025 […]

HOA Homefront — Getting board meetings in order

Unruly board meetings may be the most discouraging part of HOA living. Mature homeowners avoid such meetings, managers fear such meetings, and directors cannot even discuss the agenda without interruptions. When normal manners and courtesies are abandoned, meetings end in frustration   Read the article………………………..

Resort management company challenges charging commercial sewer rates for Stallion Springs condo units (CA)

The Resort Association of Stallion Springs, a California corporation, filed suit against the Stallion Springs Community Services District on Nov. 13, 2020. According to the complaint, the resort is a residential dwelling area for families in duplexes and triplexes that are deeded and recorded to separate homeowners. Stallion Springs Community Services District provides sewage disposal […]

HOA Homefront — President imposes additional discipline (CA)

Q: I had a hearing regarding a rules violation. I thought it was unfair and asked for an internal dispute resolution (“IDR”) meeting. My punishment from the board was a suspension of privileges. At the IDR, the president (the one that pursued the violation against me) showed up with the member I asked for, to […]

HOAs in danger of losing coverage (CA)

The 650-unit community of Hidden Canyon was dropped by Farmers Insurance last year, forcing the homeowners association to scramble for an alternative. The end result: less coverage at a much higher cost. HOAs in high-fire-risk areas around the state are dealing with the same problem.   Read the article………………………..

California senate committee addresses condo insurance crisis

The solution to the wildfire insurance crisis in California may be higher insurance rates for all homeowners – that’s what industry experts had to say while testifying last week in front of the California Senate Committee on Insurance.   Read the article………………………..

HOA Homefront — The misunderstood ‘exclusive use common area’ (CA)

The typical condominium project consists of three categories of property — the “separate interest” (normally called the “unit”), the “common area”, and a subset of common area called “exclusive use common area.” Misunderstandings regarding exclusive use areas lead to many avoidable disagreements    Read the article………………………..

Insurance is a Privilege Not a Right (CA)

As you (hopefully) know, certain types of insurance are required by state statute in California, as well as in most other states. So, when someone stated “Insurance is a privilege not a right,” there was an audible gasp from most attendees in the room.   Read the article………………………..

HOA Homefront — HOAs still refusing to meet in person (CA)

Q: It seems our HOA is hiding behind an overused COVID excuse to hold their meetings virtually. Is there currently a requirement for these meetings to be exclusively virtual? Has such a past law been repealed or expired so that we are back to in-person?   Read the Q&A……………………………….

Insurance industry pushes wildfire mitigation as solution to condo crisis (CA)

In recent months, more than 1,000 condo owners in San Diego have had their property insurance policies not renewed by Farmers Insurance due to wildfire risk.  Janet Ruiz is the Director of Strategic Communication for the Insurance Information Institute, a nonprofit trade group that educates the public on behalf of the insurance industry.    Read the […]

FEMA shares details on how they fix privately owned access roads and bridges (CA)

For multiple households that share the same road, FEMA also requires written consent from all applicants, a declarative statement saying any assistance FEMA covers will require residents to secure permits and the applicants do not have an established Homeowner’s Association or Covenant responsible for the repair of the access route.   Read the article………………………..

New HOA fees at Yorba Linda community may force residents out of their homes (CA)

However, he said last month, the HOA’s board unexpectedly increased their monthly dues by 20%, implemented a one-time special assessment and will collect emergency fees to make repairs to the property.  “We all owe about $9,000, depending on the square footage of our respective units, on March 15,” said Ionita-Ariton.   Read the article………………………..

Farmers cancel insurance for 338 homes in Rancho Bernardo (CA)

More condo owners are coming forward to report Farmers Insurance has not renewed their property insurance due to wildfire risk.  Residents in the 338-unit Morada condo complex may now be looking at thousands of dollars in special assessments to get insurance on the secondary market.   Read the article………………………..

Two-story condo building in Canyon Country catches fire (CA)

A two-story condo building in Canyon Country caught fire on Thursday evening, causing significant damage to two units and sending at least one person to the hospital, according to Los Angeles County Fire Department officials and reports from the scene.   Read the article………………………..

Movie ranch gets help in Placerita Canyon ruling (CA)

While the court order was years in the making, a movie studio ranch suing a neighboring homeowners association over gate access in Placerita Canyon can count several wins in a judge’s stipulated order earlier this month.

HOA Homefront: Can we elect directors by acclamation? (CA)

Q: Our HOA has board elections coming up soon. We have two vacancies and two candidates who have formally applied to run. My question is, why can’t we just declare them the winners by acclamation rather than going to the expense of an election? Why is the board insisting on a formal election? Must we […]