California Articles

CORONADO CAYS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. CITY OF CORONADO, Defendant and Appellant. (CA)

City of Coronado (the City) appeals a judgment in which the court determined the City, rather than Coronado Cays Homeowners…

2 years ago

HOA Front Yards and Vegetable Gardens (CA)

QUESTION: Vegetable gardening has become very popular, and some association members submitted landscape plans with large, galvanized metal planting troughs…

2 years ago

7 Takeaways from a Story of a Homeowner Refusing to Remove a Flagpole

One of the hottest topics when it comes to HOA rules has to do with displaying the American flag. Typically,…

2 years ago

Beyond the Water: Effectively Managing Lake and Pond Shorelines (CA)

Imagine taking an evening walk as the sun sets across the beautiful lake or pond in your community. The sky…

2 years ago

Water Conservation Requirement (CA)

With the state of California having issued a mandatory water reduction of 25 percent, many HOAs are wondering how to…

2 years ago

Using Drones for Inspections (CA)

Drones, also known as unmanned aircraft systems, are nearly everywhere. Advances in technology have made drones smaller, cheaper, and easier…

2 years ago

7 Common Questions HOA Board Members Ask About Budgets (CA)

Many HOA board members get into trouble due to not understanding the operating fund and reserve fund in a homeowners…

2 years ago

Should an HOA Interfere with Parental Rights? NO! (CA)

Children are usually considered blessings and a joy to be around. Unfortunately, there is always one slightly rambunctious child who…

2 years ago


Perspective: With historic property losses to California’s homeowners came an equally historic exodus of its property insurers – leading to…

2 years ago

Steps to Take If You Suspect Fraudulent Activity Within the HOA Board

Groups that are run by volunteers that handle money are particularly vulnerable to fraud, embezzlement, illegal activities, and scams. HOA…

2 years ago