Common HOA Violations

Nobody wants to be the bad guy. As an HOA board member, you’re tasked with the often unpleasant job of enforcing all the rules and regulations that keep your community running smoothly. But what happens when those rules are broken?  Read the article…………………………….

Understanding Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions

Imagine it: you’ve finally found your dream home nestled within a picturesque community. The houses are charming, the streets are lined with trees, and a sense of tranquility fills the air. But before you settle into your new haven, there’s a crucial aspect of community living you need to understand: Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&Rs).  Read […]

Louisiana’s Planned Community Act Provides Clarity and Modern Legal Framework for Real Estate Development

From basic building restrictions to complex planned communities, Louisiana’s legal framework has struggled to keep pace with evolving market demands and homeowner expectations. Courts have wrestled with these evolving market demands by answering a variety of questions about building restrictions, including: Can building restrictions be imposed in perpetuity or are they required to have a […]

Louisiana’s Planned Community Act Provides Clarity and Modern Legal Framework for Real Estate Development

From basic building restrictions to complex planned communities, Louisiana’s legal framework has struggled to keep pace with evolving market demands and homeowner expectations. Courts have wrestled with these evolving market demands by answering a variety of questions about building restrictions, including: Can building restrictions be imposed in perpetuity or are they required to have a […]

HOA Event Ideas For The Holiday

The holiday season is a time for joy, community, and connection. For HOAs, it’s an excellent opportunity to strengthen bonds among residents and foster a sense of belonging. Hosting holiday events can bring numerous benefits to your community, creating lasting memories and enhancing the overall living experience.    Read the article…………………………….

Understanding Louisiana HOA Laws & Regulations

Living in a community governed by a homeowners association (HOA) offers numerous benefits, such as shared amenities, well-maintained common areas, and a sense of community. However, navigating the intricate web of HOA laws and regulations can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a homeowner, an HOA board member, or considering purchasing a property within an […]

HOA Maintenance Checklist Guide

An HOA maintenance checklist is a critical tool for maintaining the beauty, functionality, and property value of your Louisiana community. As an HOA board member or homeowner, understanding the ins and outs of property upkeep is essential. Let’s dive into the details of creating a comprehensive HOA maintenance checklist and explore why regular maintenance is […]

Court Holds Federal Law Governs FAA Arbitration Dispute Related to Surplus Lines Insurance Contract

Harbor Homeowner’s Association Inc. sued its insurers in Louisiana state court seeking to recover damages allegedly caused by the insurers’ failure to pay claims related to Hurricane Ida. The insurers removed to federal court, arguing that the action related to an arbitration agreement falling under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and the Convention on the […]

Insurance for condominium associations, post-Surfside (LA)

In light of the recent condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida, condominium associations may find themselves questioning whether they are adequately insured for catastrophic casualty events and/or allegations of mismanagement of the condominium. There are several types of insurance that condominium associations are required to have under the Louisiana Condominium Act, and several other types of […]

Law Firm Not a ‘Debt Collector’ Under FDCPA, says Fifth Circuit

A law firm not specializing in debt collection activity is not a “debt collector” under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act because it was not “regularly” engaged in debt collection, according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The case is Reyes v. Steeg Law.  Plaintiff Nicole Reyes filed a class action […]

Appeals court upholds constitutionality of lump sum association fee statute (LA)

Homeowners in the Eastover subdivision in New Orleans lost an appeal at the Louisiana Fourth District Circuit Court of Appeal, which found a state statute that facilitated the collection of association dues to be constitutional.  In a March 22 ruling, the court sided with the Eastover Neighborhood Improvement and Security District over the objections of […]

With No Proof of Duty to Preserve or Bad Faith, Plaintiffs’ Request for Sanctions is Denied (LA)

In Reyes et. al. v. Julia Place Condominiums Homeowners Association, Inc., et. al., No. 12-2043 (E.D.L.A., Oct. 7, 2016), Louisiana District Judge Carl J. Barbier, in denying the plaintiffs’ request for sanctions, stated that the plaintiffs “have failed to produce sufficient evidence proving that [defendant] Parkview had a duty to preserve the ledgers, that Parkview […]

CAI Best Practices: Ethics

Simply put, when someone is employing ethics, he or she recognizes what is right and what is wrong and is choosing to do the right thing; however, as a great deal of business ethics literature will attest, “the right thing” is not always straightforward. For example, most ethical dilemmas in the workplace are not simply […]

From Good to Great: Principles for Community Association Success

Every community has its own history, personality, attributes and challenges, but all associations share common characteristics and core  principles. Good associations  preserve the character of  their communities, protect  property values and meet  the established expectations of homeowners. Great  associations also cultivate  a true sense of community,  promote active homeowner  involvement and create a  culture of […]

Introduction to Community Association Living

Community Volunteer Leadership Development Program Community volunteer leaders and members can maximize the benefits of community association living by better understanding the history, purpose, and function of community associations. One way to do so is by participating in the Center for Community Association Volunteers’ (CCAV) Community Volunteer Leadership Development Program – offered online or by […]

So Now You’re On the Board

The first steps to superior board performance are clarifying your board’s job and then following through with appropriate plans, actions and evaluation of results. The checklists presented here are intended to assist you in those tasks. They cover a significant number of your responsibilities. The checklists will apply to virtually any association. To use them, […]