Sledders on levee in Bridgetown causes snow day controversy (MS)

DeSoto County experienced a rare snow day this past week which cancelled school and saw many residents stay home rather than brave the snowy and icy roads. North Mississippi received anywhere from six to eight inches of snow last Friday which hung around into the weekend.   Read the article…………………………….

Lost Rabbit’s mail delivery suspended (MS)

Lost Rabbit residents are in danger of not having U.S. mail delivery due to government safety concerns.  “Unfortunately, the Lost Rabbit Board has, thus far, been unsuccessful in negotiating a remedy to the noted safety concerns of the USPS Postmaster,” according to an email from the Lost Rabbit HOA. “We have been made aware that […]

Jackson residents caught off guard by resignation, charges against councilwoman (MS)

The president of a group that oversees homeowners associations says he’s heartbroken and disappointed after Ward 2 City Councilwoman Angelique Lee resigned and pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge.  “An unfortunate incident occurred. The councilwoman has stepped up and accepted her responsibilities for it and we’re going to move forward as a ward,” said […]

HOA claims illegal landfill to blame for varmint infestation in MS neighborhood

Residents of an Olive Branch subdivision are at odds with owners of a neighboring property, claiming it has become an illegal landfill and is responsible for an infestation of varmints.   Iris Ferguson, HOA President of the Lyon’s Gate subdivision says she loves her neighborhood and the people living in it. But, her love of neighbors […]

Neighborhoods benefiting from CCID funds for improvements (MS)

The Legislature during its most recent session directed funding for several projects in Jackson through the Capitol Complex Improvement District.  Two of the projects are in the Fondren neighborhood and one falls in the LOHO Homeowners Association,    Read the article…………………………….

South Jackson homeowners want fix for impassable bridge (MS)

Residents said the bridge has become a hazard in many forms. There is a gaping hole near the side of the bridge. First responders have had to reroute due to the closure.  “Then for emergency purposes, if they end up on the wrong side, they got to turn all the way back around in an […]

Ex-Laurelwood HOA President Charged with Embezzlement (MS)

Flowood Police arrested former Laurelwood HOA President Emary Walker for embezzlement and possession of a controlled substances.  The police report states a “local attorney” notified the police of possible embezzlement of Laurelwood HOA funds. The report accuses Walker of using HOA funds to purchase personal items from Amazon.   Read the article……………………………..

Developers agree to strict HOA covenants (MS)

Developers of a planned subdivision off Yandell Road submitted proposed covenants to county supervisors that would make renting property incredibly difficult to ease the concerns of nearby residents.   Read the article……………………………

The Grove subdivision in Tupelo apply for neighborhood association status (MS)

Debbie Pantaleo moved to the Grove Subdivision in west Tupelo in 2020 during the first peak of the coronavirus pandemic, when efforts to prevent spread of the disease meant many, if not most, of her neighbors didn’t converse much.  That changed last year, when residents of the neighborhood held a get-together. Then another. Those meetings […]

Governor signs bill allowing Country Club to come off Jackson water (MS)

A North Jackson neighborhood now has the state’s permission to come off of Jackson’s water system.  On Wednesday, Gov. Tate Reeves signed S.B. 2433, which allows the Country Club of Jackson Homeowners Association to switch back to the well system it used prior to the neighborhood’s annexation in the 1970s.   Read the article………………………..

Property Manager Pleads Guilty in Homeowner Association Fraud Case (MS)

According to court documents, David Luke Lane used his position as a property manager to defraud several Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and Community Bank of Mississippi. Lane entered into contracts with the various HOAs to manage their properties and money in return for a fee. Lane’s duties included keeping the funds of each HOA in designated […]

Group sues Diamondhead POA for trying to collect dues where covenants have expired (MS)

A group of Diamondhead property owners on Monday filed a lawsuit against the Diamondhead Property Owners Association, seeking to end the organization’s practice of trying to collect dues from owners whose covenants have expired.  The non-profit group, End Diamondhead Uncertainty (EDU) filed the suit Monday in Hancock County Chancery Court. The principal members of the […]

Flood threat forces evacuation in Lafayette County, Miss. community

The lake and dam are owned by the Tara Estates Homeowners Association. State investigators said when neighbors saw the water flowing, the county was notified immediately. Fire crews quickly started pumping the water out of the lake to lower the level and stop a breach of the dam.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Horn Lake to help drain Kings View Lake for MDEQ (MS)

Latimer asked Campbell if the city does take over the job for MDEQ whether they will be obligated in any way to repair the dam.  “No sir,” Campbell said. “That has been made clear that it is the homeowner’s association’s responsibility by us and MDEQ.”   Read the entire article……………………………….

Ordinance would spell out procedures for allowing community improvement districts (MS:

A new ordinance could help spell out how the city of Jackson implements community improvement districts (CIDs)……CIDs are special taxing districts. Property owners within them pay special assessments along with their annual property taxes, which are then set aside to fund public improvements within them.   Read the article………………………………

Homeowners rebuke transitional facility (MS)

Several neighborhood associations are complaining about a transitional facility that is about to open.    The Mississippi Offenders Re-entry Experience, or the M.O.R.E facility is on Floral Drive off of West County Line Road and will be used to house formerly incarcerated men.  The once-incarcerated men will live there as they transition to life after […]

One dead after fire at Gulfport condominium (MS)

One person has died after being pulled from a burning condo Wednesday morning in Gulfport, said Fire Chief Mike Beyerstedt.  The fire happened around 6 a.m. at the Racquet Club Condominiums on Courthouse Road   Read the article……………………….

Hundreds of dams lack emergency plans in rain-soaked South (MS)

When recent heavy rains swelled a private Mississippi lake and began eroding its earthen dam, Yazoo County Emergency Management Director Jack Willingham was scrambling for a plan.  He had no contact information for any of the homeowners who might need to evacuate, so he drove to the scene and began knocking on doors.    Read the […]

Son blames father in Ridgway Lane’s alleged multimillion-dollar fraud of HOAs (MS)

The former vice president of Ridgway Lane & Associates is claiming in court that he had no role in an alleged multimillion-dollar fraud to embezzle multiple metro Jackson homeowner association funds.  Instead, he is pointing the finger at his father, David L. Lane, the former president of the company.   Read the article………………………….

Diamondhead mayor files lawsuit to get POA privileges restored (MS)

Diamondhead Mayor Tommy Schafer is fighting to get back into the country club, and he’s doing it with a lawsuit against the Diamondhead Property Owners Association.  Schafer was suspended from using all POA amenities for six-months following an argument with the POA president that turned physical.    Read the article……………………………

New HOA lawsuit against Ridgway Lane claims over $500K in damages (MS)

A 10th homeowners association filed a lawsuit against Ridgway Lane.  Eastbrooke Condominium Association fined against Ridgway, David W. Lane and David L. Lane on Friday.  Eastbrooke claims more than $500,000 went missing from its accounts due to the actions of the Lanes.    Read the article……………………………

Massive pothole on Kirkley Drive raises concerns for neighbors (MS)

A steep crater-like pothole is difficult to avoid for people living along Kirkley Drive in Jackson.   Billy Gooch, President of the Norwood Homeowners Association, said after notifying the City of Jackson about the issue they have yet to repair it.   Read the article………………………….

Two more lawsuits filed against Ridgway Lane over missing money (MS)

Two more housing groups are filing lawsuits against Ridgway Lane.  The Palisades Homeowner Association in Brandon and the Diplomat Condominium in Jackson are the latest to join a long list of HOA’s accusing the property management company of missing funds.    Read the article…………………………

Another HOA files suit against Ridgway over missing money (MS)

Yet another homeowners association has filed a lawsuit against Ridgway Lane, claiming the company embezzled nearly $200,000 from them.  Bruenburg HOA in Clinton said they are missing $180,000 from their accounts.    Read the article…………………………

Ridgway Lane accused of embezzling over $1M from area homeowners associations: What we know now (MS)

Homeowner associations throughout metro Jackson are taking a hard look at their finances, especially those who had written agreements with property management company Ridgway Lane & Associates.  Some are even taking matters to court.  So far there are claims of more than a million dollars in missing funds from multiple homeowners associations all managed by […]

Ridgway Lane president leaving over ‘health issues’ days after company is sued by Ridgeland HOA (MS)

We are uncovering more information in our investigation into claims of funds missing from the Bridgewater Homeowners Association’s bank accounts. The Bridgewater Homeowners Association has filed two lawsuits against their management company Ridgway Lane, claiming almost $850,000 is missing or unaccounted for in their bank accounts.    Read the article………………………..

Madison couple facing jail time for keeping RV in driveway (MS)

A Madison couple is facing jail time for keeping an RV on their property.  It isn’t just a recreational vehicle, it’s the couple’s home while they fight with their insurer over a fire that destroyed their home.   Read the article…………………………

Diamondhead POA president files assault charge against mayor (MS)

The president of Diamondhead’s Property Owners Association on Monday filed a simple assault charge against the city’s mayor, Tommy Schafer. It comes almost a week after a confrontation between the two following an official city/POA meeting known as the Community Collaborative. That meeting happened September 4 at the Diamondhead County Club.    Read the article………………………

Supervisors “condemn” actions of Gibson (MS)

The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors voted Monday to “condemn” property owner Mark Gibson for placing what were referred to as “two old raggedy trailers” on property at the entrance to Lake Hillsdale.  Board Vice President Hudson Holliday called it “an intentional act to diminish property values.”  Holliday further called the placement of the […]