HOA unsure how to deal with “Let’s go Brandon” sign (NV)

Q: I am the president of a very small homeowners association community (27 homes). We have a resident who has placed a “Let’s go Brandon” sign in their front window. This has been up since January 2022.   Read the Q&A……………………………….

Neighbors voice concerns over high fines from speed camera tickets (NV)

Neighbors in a Spring Valley community have concerns over the use of cameras to crack down on speeding, and ticket fines they said are far too high.  According to an HOA notice by email in the Park View community, the penalty for anyone speeding past 15 miles per hour is as follows: a first violation […]

Spring Creek banning ‘offensive’ flags, signs (NV)

Many northeastern Nevadans are not happy with the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. In a county where Republican voters outnumber Democrats by three to one, Trump 2020 flags and signs were a common sight long after President Joe Biden took office.  Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowners unhappy about landscaping company (NV)

Q: Some of our unit owners are unhappy with our landscaping company — a common complaint in condo homeowners associations. They want more more workers on-site, though many owners don’t want higher dues. Some owners want access to proposals for landscape contracts before the contracts are executed.   Read the Q&A……………………………….

Police respond to tenant causing disturbance in community (NV)

Q: We recently had a disturbance in a common area of our homeowners association involving a tenant (the unit is on our approved rental list) and his non-resident girlfriend. The situation was bad enough to warrant a police response.   Read the Q&A………………………………….

HOA tows car with out required 24-hour notice (NV)

Q: I just got done reading a article you did regarding Nevada towing laws. Pertaining to apartment complexes. So much great information. I thank you for your time and energy putting that together.   Read the Q&A……………………………….

Homeowners did not know about new HOA rule (NV)

Q: We are hoping you can help us out with a situation in our community. We have a master and sub homeowners association. The sub HOA created a new rule. Residents learned of the rule when 100-plus residents received violation notices.  Read the Q&A………………………………..

Homeowner’s behavior borders on harassment (NV)

Q: Our 15-home community has been peaceful. Then there was an exchange of words between the homeowners association president and one homeowner.  In the past six months, I have received numerous texts, calls and emails from the affronted homeowner implying, malfeasance, misuse of funds, poor decision making on the part of our HOA board.    Read […]

Spring Creek receives $7 million for broadband (NV)

Spring Creek has received a $7 million federal grant to expand broadband in the area.  The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration announced Friday it had awarded $7.3 million to fund the project that will serve 5,568 homes, 169 businesses and 21 anchor institutions.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowner gets HOA bill and can’t find out why (NV)

Q: Our homeowners association management company has sent us a pre-statutory notice asking for $290.62. We sent them back a response stating that we have no idea what these monies are for because they did not provide a breakdown.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowner has legitimate concerns about HOA communication (NV)

Q: I live in a Reno community with a homeowners association. I would like clarification on how homeowners are to receive notices from the management company. Are certain notices supposed to be via postal mail and not email?   Read the Q&A……………………………………

Battle of the Las Vegas grass: What must go? (NV)

It’s a busy Thursday along Valle Verde in Henderson. The landscaping crew for the Green Valley Ranch HOA is removing more grass, some of the 400,000 square feet the HOA plans to remove over the next few years.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Sundial Drive HOA Benefits from Replacing all its Nonfunctional Turf (NV)

When the Sundial Drive Homeowners Association (HOA) mulled the pros and cons of keeping its water-thirsty grass in 2020, the HOA board decided to survey its residents for input. The board had to decide whether to raise HOA fees to cover water and landscape maintenance costs or replace the turf with a water-efficient alternative.   Read […]

Pool repairs get bogged down in paperwork for homeowner (NV)

Q: Always a pleasure reading your very informative articles. We purchased a patio home in a homeowners association community (not gated) built in the late 1970s. We are seasonal residents from out of country trying to navigate HOA rules etc.   Read the Q&A…………………………………

HOA boards have important role to play in communities (NV)

In the last two columns, I have talked about the roles of the homeowner and the homeowners associations’ management companies.  Finally, we come to the role of the board of directors. By law, this role encompasses such legal terms as fiduciary obligations, duty of care, application of business-judgment rule, good faith (Nevada Revised Statute 116.3103).  […]

Most HOAs have community management companies (NV)

Many homeowners are first-time buyers, and too often most homeowners do not review their governing documents.  No one has ever said reading governing documents was like reading a great book, but homeowners should at least look at certain sections that absolutely impacts their daily routine,     Read the entire article……………………………….

Participation is required for HOA members, boards (NV)

I have had so many conversations with new homeowner association board members and how they work with homeowners and management companies and how they see themselves in their roles. I thought I would address this in a series of columns.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowner says HOA is subsidizing golf country club (NV)

Q: Looking for some advice. My homeowners association has private country club/golf course that the other HOA residents are not members unless they pay a minimum of 100-plus percent (right now about 130 percent) of the HOA fees. All this is fine, except the country club’s fees to the HOA have not increased in the […]

Community wants to remove HOA board members (NV)

Q: We have a new management company and two new members to the board and a myriad of problems and questions have come up. Our complex is on the east side and has 18 building with a total of 176 units.   Read the Q&A…………………………………

Las Vegas board approves grass ban in new developments (NV)

Grassy yards would be banned at all new housing and commercial developments in the Las Vegas metro area as officials try to expand water use limitations and the region prepares for a hotter and drier future.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowners feel harassed by board, management company (NV)

Q: Our management company is walking around doing their monthly inspections for violations. The company was hired in July and I know different management companies handle violations differently. However, we need to either apply the rules and not pick and choose which ones will be enforced.   Read the Q&A……………………………………

For years, someone has been poisoning dogs in this Las Vegas neighborhood (NV)

By Cornwall’s own estimates, 15 neighborhood dogs have been poisoned through similar means dating as far back as 2014. The most recent attack came this Halloween when Cornwall’s next-door neighbor, Sandra Eells, had to take her 4-month-old Belgian Malinois puppy to an emergency vet for strychnine poisoning after she began experiencing seizures.   Read the entire […]

Homeowner wants kelly green door on new house (NV)

Q: I am purchasing a duplex in a new 55-plus community. The color scheme I selected has colors pre-selected for the doors. I thought I could select from option one or two. However, that is not the case. My home elevation includes a reddish door. The opposite elevation has a kelly green door that I […]

HOA management company charges ARC fee (NV)

Q: Our homeowners association never charged to submit an Architectural Review Committee form. New management is on board, now, and with no written notice to homeowners, they are charging a fee. I would think that we should be notified. What’s the ruling on that?   Read the entire article……………………………….

Homeowner disagrees with HOA parking policy (NV)

Q: Due to the recent increase in rent across the valley, my son and his girlfriend have temporarily moved in with us. The homeowners association just sent me a violation letter concerning their parking on the street in front of my house. This an ungated public street (cul-de-sac) and is maintained by the city.   Read […]

Community to complete landscaping project over three years (NV)

Q: Ms. Holland, I value your input on homeowners association concerns, and here is our issue:  The association received a proposal that exceeds 3 percent of our annual budget. It was determined that funds were not available for this safety issue, so it was decided to spread the requirement over three years utilizing the vendor […]

Homeowner wants black picket fence (nv)

Q: We recently purchased a home in a relatively new community. It has several retention ponds and several areas of preserve land. The combination provides nice scenic views for many of the homes. The home is on corner lot with a view of a pond and preserve. When we first visited the community, we saw […]

Law says homeowner can receive HOA payment plan (NV)

Q: I fell behind on my homeowners association (assessments because of) being sick with COVID-19 in late July. I reached out to one of the board members, stating I’m aware that I’m behind. I explained the situation and that I am trying to catch up.   Read the Q&A…………………………………

HOA cracking down on roommate rules (NV)

Q: Can a homeowners association make a rule and fine you if you have a roommate? In Clark County up to four unrelated people are allowed to live in a single-family residence by code. Twice, my friend has been fined $1,000 over roommates. Last time, they said it was running a business. She had only […]

HOA underfunded; walkway in state of disrepair (NV)

Q: Hello, I have two questions, I live in a HOA community with 66 units, I am new to this community and attended my first board meeting and was frightened to learn that our reserves are only 18 percent funded with no thought to increase.   Read theQ&A………………………………….

Short-term rentals allowed in most areas of Vegas Valley (NV)

Q: I am hoping you can tell me the correct way to proceed on this issue. Our homeowners association rules state that Airbnb is not allowed. Yet, when I called to complain, I was told that other homeowners have complained also, but nobody has sent proof.   Read the Q&A……………………………………..

Management company did not pay HOA water bills (NV)

Q: From April 2, 2020, to Oct. 5, 2020, the water bills for our homeowners association were not paid by our management company, which resulted in late fees. They also showed an extraordinary use of water during those months. The management company claims they never received bills for those months.   Read the Q&A…………………………………….

Sundial Drive HOA Avoided Fee Increase By Replacing Decorative Grass (NV)

When mulling over the pros and cons of keeping its water-thirsty grass last year, the Sundial Drive Homeowner’s Association (HOA) surveyed its residents for input. The board was deciding whether to keep the grass and raise HOA fees to cover water and maintenance costs or replace the grass with a water-smart landscape. While some residents […]

State law does include HOA election results deadline (NV)

Q: I am curious as to why Nevada Revised Statute, Chapter 116, doesn’t require board election results to be posted within 15 days of the election.  Our association just had a board election on Aug. 5, and the 68 owners — 47 of whom voted — never received the results. I was told by the […]

Tenant allows homeless people to live in storage shed (NV)

Q: (We have a homeowner who has) leased the property to a tenant. The tenant in turn permitted a group of homeless people to reside in the storage shed on the property. The homeowners association regards the homeless as trespassers (signs are prominently displayed.) Appeals to both the owner and tenant have fallen on deaf […]

Several reasons why HOA would delay in opening entry gate

Q: I was party to a recent discussion about a friend’s homeowners association meeting procedures and unresolved issues at (a community) in Las Vegas.  During a recent HOA Zoom meeting, a question was asked about an entry gate, which was severely damaged by a car. It has been several weeks and the gate is still […]

Who’s running your HOA? (NV)

A Nevada law that gives developers control of master planned communities until they are almost complete allows developers to have their way, absent oversight from regulators, says Las Vegas resident Mike Kosor.    Read the entire article……………………………….

HOA president says owner’s behavior is harassment (NV)

Q: I am the current president of my condo’s HOA board, and I read your column every week.  I have a question and am hoping you’ll provide some guidance. I have only been president since this past January, and four of the five of us are new members. We have a very upset homeowner whose […]

Armed security guards will drive HOA insurance up (NV)

Q: Our homeowners association has a few community owners who think armed guard security would be a good thing. We have no crime problem. Our current master policy and related umbrella coverages has an annual premium of $98,703.   Read the Q&A……………………………………

HOA will likely have to pay to repair perimeter wall (NV)

Q: We noticed the outside of our wall, which is on a corner lot, to be cracked. On further inspection, the wall moves from above. We found you in a Google search. The first search to pop up was an article dated Jan. 31, 2009: “HOA bill to address maintenance of Security Walls within communities.”  […]

New state laws affect HOA fees and water use (NV)

This week, I have invited local attorneys Gregory P. Kerr and Michael T. Schulman of Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman & Read the entire article……………………………….Rabkin to explain new laws that will affect Las Vegas communities and the state’s homeowners associations. This the last column in a three-part series that takes an in-depth look at the new […]