According to data shared by the Condominium and Access Control Federation, between 2023 and 2024, the cost of condo insurance policy on the island increased in the range of 8% to 30%. Residents of the San Ignacio condominium in San Juan experienced this year an increase of almost double in the cost of their insurance […]
Condo Owners Sent Incorrect Property Tax Bills *Update* – Lt. Governor Responds (US Virgin Islands)
Condominium owners in the territory might want to hold off paying their property tax bill until new, corrected bills are issued. Some property tax bills sent out June 1 incorrectly used a commercial property tax rate of 0.711 percent, nearly double the residential tax rate of 0.377 percent. Read the entire article……………………………….
Guam: Everything Real Estate: How a Homeowner’s Association works
Sandy Gould Yow and Duane Pahl share their expertise on Everything Real Estate once a month in their published column, and weekly on the PDN website with a video discussing a real estate topic. Read the entire article……………………………….
Consumer Affairs issues order easing restrictions for condo residents (PR)
The Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs issued an order to ease certain conditions that have been in effect for condominium residents in line with COVID-19 restrictions, agency Secretary Edan Rivera said. Order 2021-002, which goes into effect today, allows holding in-person meetings and the opening of recreational areas. Read the article………………………………..
U.S. Virgin Islands: DLCA Announces New License for Short-Term Rentals
The Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs is introducing a new business license for short-term rentals it promises will help crack down on people who rent out their residences against the bylaws of homeowners’ associations. Read the article……………………………….
Puerto Rico Gov Signs New Condominium Act
Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced signed Act 129-2020, which establishes the Puerto Rico Condominium Act to update the rules that govern coexistence in these structures, effectively abolishing Act 104-1958, as amended. Read the article……………………………….
Army veteran asked to remove Puerto Rican flag at Kissimmee home by homeowners association (FL)
A controversy is brewing in Kissimmee between a homeowners association and an Army veteran who says all she wants is the freedom to fly the flag of her choice at her home. Frances Santiago spent 14 years as an Army medic, including two tours in Iraq. Read the article……………………
Group files Art. 12 lawsuit vs Anaks homeowners (Saipan)
A group of investors filed an Article 12 lawsuit against Anaks Ocean View Hill Saipan Homeowners’ Association Ltd. and the Manuel S. and Luise P. Villagomez family trust. Anaks Investors LLC, through Daniel T. Guidotti, asked the Superior Court to declare that the lease of land where Anaks is located is void because it violates […]
Bureau’s statements about Pago Bay towers were ignored (Guam)
When the Guam Land Use Commission conditionally approved the construction of two condominium towers to rise above Pago Bay, it ignored position statements made by the director of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans on Nov. 30. Read the article………….
Facts about condo buying in the Philippines
I’ve run into a few people recently who have asked me if people from Guam can buy a condo in the Philippines. The answer is yes, Guamanians can buy condos in the Philippines because Philippine law allows for foreigners, or non-Filipino citizens, to own condominiums. Read the article………….