No More Fear of Flooding (NY)

A determined co-op board overcomes years of watery misery.  The Brooklands complex opened in 1927 on the wedge of land formed by the confluence of the Sprain Brook and the Bronx River in the Bronxville section of Yonkers, just north of the New York City line. All that nearby water has shaped the destiny of these three handsome brick-and-stucco, neo-Georgian buildings, which converted to a 137-unit co-op in 1954 and have been repeatedly bedeviled by floods and near-floods. The two most recent, in 2007 and 2011, inflicted $8 million in damages and finally pushed the board to address a chronic problem that’s tied to geography, history, politics, and the vagaries of ever more unpredictable weather.   Read the article………..


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