“Last year, builders assembled more housing units than at any time in the past four decades, and virtually all of them were rental homes. For decades, condominiums made up about 20 percent of all attached housing stock built in the U.S. leading up to 2005. The share of attached condos rose to 53 percent in 2005 before quickly falling to a low of 5% in 2022, according to the National Association of Home Builders.” Link to the rest of this article
This is how the builder’s lobby begins their efforts to make it harder to file a construction defect lawsuit against a condo developer. The lobby moves to states where the need for condo’s is high and development is low. They won in Washington. Check out what’s going on in Colorado right now. At least in that state the legislators are atstill talking about how to protect the condo’s need for construction defects to get fixed. I hope the Idaho chapter of CAI is paying attention. This is just the beginning.