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Realtors Beware: Your Client’s Country Club Exclusion Can Come Back Around to Bite You (CA)

/ Owner - March 18, 2020

In January 2016, plaintiffs and appellants, Michael Dubasso and Jenny Dubasso (collectively, the “Dubassos”), purchased a home in the Tradition community (“Tradition”) in La Quinta, California. The Dubassos hired real estate agent Kathleen O-Keefe (“O-Keefe”) and LQR Desert Real Estate, Inc. (“LQR”) as their real estate agent and broker, respectively. Shortly after closing escrow, the Dubassos applied for membership in Tradition’s Golf Club, a social and golf club, but the club membership committee decided the Dubassos were not a good fit for club membership and rejected their application.    Read the article…………………………….

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