Recently, I’ve been tackling some common procedural myths—those phrases and practices you often encounter in meetings but aren’t necessarily accurate. Read the article…………………………….
Navigating HOA Meeting Protocols: The Importance of a Parliamentarian and Scheduling Flexibility (NC)
A parliamentarian serves as an adviser to the presiding officer, other officers, committees, and members on matters of meeting procedure. While common in large association membership meetings or conventions, their necessity in board meetings varies depending on several factors. Read the article…………………………….
There is No “Next Order of Business”
One phrase you often hear in meetings is the chair making reference to the “next order of business,” as in “The next order of business is . . . .” As suggested by the name, the “order of business” is the order in which business is taken up during a meeting. While the order of […]
Understanding Robert’s Rules of Order: A Guide for HOA Board Meetings
Maintaining order and fairness in meetings is crucial when managing a homeowner’s association (HOA). Robert’s Rules of Order provides a structured framework to ensure that all board members have a voice and that decisions are made efficiently. This article will explore Robert’s Rules, their origins, and how they can be applied to board meetings. Read […]
Understanding Robert’s Rules of Order: A Guide for HOA Board Meetings (NC)
Maintaining order and fairness in meetings is crucial when managing a homeowner’s association (HOA). Robert’s Rules of Order provides a structured framework to ensure that all board members have a voice and that decisions are made efficiently. This article will explore Robert’s Rules, their origins, and how they can be applied to board meetings. Read […]
Who Was Robert and Why Do his Rules Rule?
As an attorney and professional parliamentarian, I’m sometimes asked, “Who was Robert and why do his rules rule?” It’s a timely question. Henry Martyn Robert, the original author of Robert’ Rule of Order, died 100 years ago on May 11, 1923. Since that time, versions of his parliamentary manual have come to dominate meetings. Read […]
Why the Chair Never Asks “Is There Any Old Business?”
At some point in some board meeting, you’re likely to hear a presiding officer ask, “Is there any Old Business?” and wait for a reply. It’s intended as an opportunity for members to raise issues that were addressed at an earlier meeting. The problem with this question is twofold Read the article…………………………….
Parliamentarian Pro Tips: Assisting Large Meetings
Large annual meetings and conventions create special demands on the parliamentarian. For example, numerous business items may move very quickly with lightning speed. The large audience and attendees milling about make it difficult to see who wishes to be recognized to speak. Read the article………………………..
Are you Following Robert’s Rules at Your Community Association Meetings?
If you’re a board member of a community association, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with and follow Robert’s Rules of Order. This article will give you some background information on the rules and how they relate to homeowner’s association (HOA) meetings. Read the article………………………..
Robert’s Rules of Order & Sturgis Motions “Cheat Sheets”
This year saw the publication of my two new books on proper meeting procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track and Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules, Fifth Edition. With the publication of these books (based on the new 12th Edition of Robert’s), I’ve been asked if there are updated “cheat sheets” to the motions […]
Completely Updated Parliamentary Procedure Website with Resources
For almost thirty years, my parliamentary procedure website has had more articles and resources on meeting procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order than most Read the entire article……………………………….
Robert’s Rules of Order vs The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure vs the AIP Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure
A question came up during a recent online discussion of pros and cons between Robert’s Rules of Order and The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. One comment asked if Robert’s was “archaic and obsolete.” Here’s much of my answer. Read the entire article……………………………….
Motions Being Made That Are Not On The HOA Meeting’s Agenda
The Annual Meeting of Nottacare Condominium convenes. The Agenda shows the standard items including Review Minutes, Financial Report, President’s Report and Election of Directors. As usual, only 20% of the 95 members show up. But the board has been proactive in getting proxies from the rest so having a quorum is not a problem. The […]
Robert’s Rules: A Basic Guide for All HOA Board Members
Have you ever attended an HOA meeting that didn’t seem to achieve the predetermined goals presented on the agenda? There’s nothing more frustrating than a board meeting that didn’t go so well! When any amount of people get together to discuss important business, there are bound to be differing opinions or some difficulty staying on […]
Robert’s Rules allows small organizations to dispense with seconds and other formalities (FL)
Q: Your discussions of associations frequently have interest to many readers like me. Thanks for offering advice. For your recent article regarding Robert’s Rules, I think a clarification is needed, specifically regarding the use of Robert’s Rules for a small board. I fully agree we don’t want to become too obsessed with these rules. […]
Learning Robert’s Rules for More Efficient HOA Meetings
As a board member or association manager who has a full, rich life outside your HOA duties, you are likely looking for a way to increase the efficiency of your association’s meetings. Alternatively, maybe you aren’t bothered by the length of your board meetings, but you have a fellow board member who is incredibly passionate […]
Parliamentary Procedure: the Why and the How (IL)
We hold meetings because we must. They are essential to decision making, and parliamentary procedure helps us meet effectively. “Parliamentary procedure” is an umbrella term, referring to the many rules that provide structure to a meeting where business is transacted. Most meeting gurus swear by Robert’s Rules of Order, and while there are other rulebooks, […]
Does Your Board Meeting Need a Parliamentarian?
n large association membership meetings or conventions, it is common to find someone serving as parliamentarian (whether a member or outside credentialed professional). A question often asked, though, is: “Does our board meeting need a parliamentarian?” (For purposes of full disclosure, I’m an attorney, Certified Professional Parliamentarian, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, past President of the American […]
HOAs & Condos: Follow Your Bylaws & Proper Parliamentary Procedure (PART 2)
A blog I wrote in 2016 (HOA’s: Follow Your Bylaws & Proper Parliamentary Procedure) examined two opinions from the NC Court of Appeals about HOA/condo board decisions. The short takeaway from those cases for associations? FOLLOW THE RULES. A new case from the Court of Appeals issued today (June 19, 2018) again examines the requirements […]
HOA Board Voting 101: How to Start a Motion
Read the article…………………………….Sometimes what seems like a simple item on the agenda that will receive an overwhelming vote can end up taking the whole meeting because Board members and homeowners keep hashing out the same issue over and over again. Read the article……………………
Challenging the Chairman of a Meeting
Have you ever been at a meeting that you did not believe was being run properly? Is the chair ruling every motion out of order? Were you unsure on what you could do or did you feel like there was nothing you could do? Fortunately, there are actions that you can take in these situations. […]
Recap – Motions at Meetings
It is AGM season again. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I decided to highlight a post from two years ago about motions at meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order. I posted a Chart that I had made summarizing the motions that I see most often at condominium meetings. Read the article…………..
Running a Darn Good Meeting – What You Need to Know About Parliamentary Procedure
Legal counsel to community associations must be aware of parliamentary procedure basics. Numerous states have adopted statutes requiring associations to follow a specific parliamentary manual in association meetings. Even without such a mandate, courts generally hold that all organizations are subject to the principles and rules of common parliamentary law. In other words, all of these organizations must observe proper […]
Does the Chair Vote in the Event of a Tie?
In board and membership meetings you’ll sometimes hear the phrase that the chair gets to vote “in case of a tie vote.” But is that accurate? In short, no. Read more………
Reader Feedback Q and A (re Robert’s Rules)
Over the past few weeks I posted about the types of motions under Robert’s Rules of Order. I had several comments and questions about my previous posts so I thought I would take a few moments to respond today. Read more……..
Refresher – Motions at Condominium Meetings
I said earlier this week that I would describe how certain motions are made at condominium meetings. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I’ve decided to post a Presentation that I prepared last year for some condominium management firms. It provides examples of the five types of motions and describes how an owner may bring a […]
Parliamentary Procedure: Amending a Motion
Most community associations use Robert’s Rules of Order (“RRO”) to govern both board and owner meetings. RRO is an effective tool which allows the chairperson to keep control of the meeting and at the same time ensure that members of the assembly are afforded the right to make motions, speak, and meaningfully participate in the […]
Refresher – Robert’s Rules of Order (Part 1)
love the fall season. Thanksgiving, Halloween and AGM season (?). All jokes aside, another AGM season is quickly approaching and many notices have already been sent to the owners and mortgagees of record. This week I will provide a quick refresher for condominiums that use Robert’s Rules of Order at their meetings. Read more………
Take charge of that meeting: 8 ways to make sense of Robert’s Rules of Order
If you’re going to chair meetings or rise to a high post in your professional society, you’re likely to run up against Robert’s Rules of Order. In the U.S., it’s the most widely used authority on parliamentary procedure–and many a meeting chair has struggled to follow those rules. A reader of The Eloquent Woman wrote […]