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Handling Maintenance and Repairs: In-House, Or Outsource?

/ Owner - January 28, 2017

In the wake of the recession and facing an uncertain economic climate on the heels of a tumultuous presidential election, condo, co-op, and HOA boards may instinctively want to pinch pennies where they can, especially when it comes to maintenance projects. If an association has a full-time, in-house maintenance staff – whether that be a super, multiple handymen, or a combination of the two—then that’s all the better when it comes time to doling out responsibility for fixing a creaky door or a wobbly banister rail. But some projects will necessarily fall outside the purview of a building’s staff of trusted workers, requiring a specialized outside contractor. The ability to recognize the line between small quick-fixes around a property and an endeavor that requires specific training is essential for board and management, lest an attempted cost-saving operation open the association up to unsafe conditions, property damage, or liability exposure.     Read the article…………..

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