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Ed Goldman: How I learned to stop worrying and (almost) love the HOA

/ Owner - April 19, 2018

An acquaintance of mine once said a homeowners association, or HOA, “is essentially a microcosm.” He never finished the thought — someone interrupted our chat at a reception — and I wondered what an HOA is a microcosm of. Not enough to track him down, apparently, but wonder I did.  It’s not a miniature U.S. government and it’s not a dollhouse replica of a Third World republic’s ruling junta. All I’ve been able to learn is that if you’re not part of one where you live, there are certain benefits — like being able to paint your home whatever color you want, like not having to park your car in the garage and, it almost goes without saying, like not having to pay monthly dues.    Read the article………………

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