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“Breaking Bad” In Condos Won’t Keep the Peace

/ Owner - February 6, 2020

In a perfect condominium, all that live on the property abide by the Rules and there is no need to issue violation letters or to verbally remind people of said Rules. We all know perfection does not exist, but perhaps working towards that objective can greatly improve and contribute to the goal of harmonious living among residents on a property. So, how do we improve Rule abidance in the condominium? How do owners know the Rules to be able to abide by them? And what about that board member that always parks overnight in visitor parking? How do we tell them that Rules exist for all in the corporation and that there are no exceptions? Finally, what does a manager do when all else fails and what options exist to address owners that just want to break bad? Luckily you are reading this informative article that discusses all of these things!   Read the article………………………..

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