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Association Boards Governing Political Signs (NY)

/ Owner - September 1, 2020

With politics and world events heating up, people have a lot to say and want to publish it out loud. If they live in a coop, condo, HOA or other community association, however, can a board restrict their free speech? John wants to put a “Black Lives Matter” sign on the lawn of his HOA home. Tim prefers an “All Lives Matter” sign. Sarah wants to put up a Trump Pence sign and Tara would prefer a Biden Harris sign or the above “Everybody Sucks” sign. In a high-rise condo or coop, the Jones family wants to put a sign with their political views in their window and so do 100 other families that live in the building with differing views. Association boards would likely want to govern these types of actions or one could imagine a huge mess of signage and neighbor against neighbor disputes and escalations.    Read the article……………………………………..

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