Why the HOA Must Approve Architectural Control Requests

The role of the Architectural Control Committee for your homeowners association, or HOA, is to ensure that the community’s property values are preserved. Without an architectural control committee your neighbor could easily paint his home bright blue with pink shutters that would be visible from space. Violation of your community’s architectural standards creates litigation issues […]

When a Property Owner Association Approves Plans Then Rescinds Its Approval, Can It Be Held Financially Responsible? (CO)

The Supreme Court of Colorado answered that question in Mac McShane and Cynthia Calvin v. Stirling Ranch Property Owners Association, Inc. (2017 CO 38).  Mac McShane and his wife, Cynthia Calvin (“Owners”) bought property, hoping to build a multi-story home overlooking the Roaring Fork Valley. The Stirling Ranch Property Owners Association (“POA”) approved the Owners’ […]

Aesthetic Rules in Co-ops, Condos & HOAs: A Matter of Taste?

For many people, one of the most attractive aspects of co-op or condo living is the fact that everything, from the windows to the elevators to the numbers on the apartment doors, looks great. Clean, bright, elegant and well-maintained. For residents, visitors, and prospective buyers alike, it is easy to see how much time and […]

Aging Condominium updates for an Aging Population

Condominiums are not just for young people, there are many elderly condo residents that bought their units in the 1980’s. Many early construction condo buildings are now facing challenges of providing amenities to owners who are 65 years or older. These buildings often lack accessibility and safety features now common in new buildings.    Read […]

HOA Model Remodeling

Owning your own home is an American dream. In urban settings, homeowner associations have become a dominant form of new construction, often representing over two thirds of new homes. While HOA homeowners have many rights and privileges, they often concede certain freedoms usually enjoyed in more traditional home ownership. One particular area of concession involves […]

Guiding Homeowners through the Window/Door Architectural Request Process (IL)

One of the secrets to limiting the amount of conflict between the individual owners and the association at large is to be clear in guidance regarding the exterior standards for the association. For instance, in regards to window and door replacement request it is helpful for the association to offer a clear specification for owners […]

Architectural Control Committees are Needed

Question: I live in a new town house development and am on the architectural control committee. Some of the homeowners do not feel the need to go through our committee for approval before they make any exterior changes. Our declaration of covenants specifies that approval is required before any such changes can be made. . […]

Messing With The HOA Can Be Expensive

Most homeowners in a common interest development probably understand that it can be a real hassle to get into a dispute with the Homeowner Association (HOA). Not so many, though, may know that it can become pretty expensive as well. A recent case from California’s Fourth Appellate District Court of Appeal makes the latter point […]

Architectural Control, What Can an HOA Actually Enforce?

Architectural Control is one of the key reasons people either choose to live in or run from an HOA. Some people appreciate the HOA’s ability to enforce architectural controls via an Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”); whereas, others resent the thought of another organization telling them how they can modify or decorate their home. When these […]

Architectural Control, What Can an HOA Actually Enforce?

Architectural Control is one of the key reasons people either choose to live in or run from an HOA. Some people appreciate the HOA’s ability to enforce architectural controls via an Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”); whereas, others resent the thought of another organization telling them how they can modify or decorate their home. When these […]

3 Benefits of Having an Architectural Review Committee

HOAs often have many different committees to help maintain standards throughout the community. One possible committee is the architectural review committee, which helps homeowners understand what types of changes to their home and yard are, and are not, allowed. If you are considering starting an architectural review committee, check out these three benefits.   Read the […]

Controlling the Look and Feel In Your HOA

Homeowner associations maintain control over the common elements and exterior appearance of the structures for a variety of reasons. Most HOAs are built with a design theme, exterior materials s and color palette that, if compromised, reduces the value of the homes. Well designed and enforced architectural design policies help maintain uniformity, which in turn […]

Architectural Review Committees: When Silence is Not Golden

Although summer is the most popular season for construction and it is quickly coming to a close (I am not ready to admit it’s over), architectural review committees (“ARCs”) operate year-round to review and respond to architectural review committee applications.  Read the article……………

Getting an HOA Approval for House Color

Some homeowners associations have strict rules regarding what color you can paint the exterior of your home. In other communities, they may require you to get an approval before you paint your house a different color. Check out these tips for how to get HOA approval for a new house color.      Read the […]

What’s the best way to update architectural rules?

Q:  I’m the president of a single-family residential subdivision with about 100 homes. The homeowners assumed control over the homeowners’ association from the developer about a year ago, and our HOA’s board of directors is revising and updating the community guidelines and rules. A new builder has purchased several lots, and that has focused our […]

An Ounce of Prevention: Architectural Review in Your Homeowners Association

Most homeowners associations have some sort of architectural review process. Of these, many spell out how that review is supposed to proceed.  Generally, the homeowner submits an application for some sort of change to the property, and the board of directors or an appointed architectural review committee     Read the article………..

What’s the best way to update architectural rules?

Q: I’m the president of a single-family residential subdivision with about 100 homes. The homeowners assumed control over the homeowners’ association (the HOA) from the developer about a year ago, and our HOA’s board of directors is currently revising and updating the community guidelines and rules. A new builder has purchased several lots, and that […]

Model HOA Remodeling

Owning your own home is an American dream. In urban settings, homeowner associations have become a dominant form of new construction, often representing over two thirds of new home construction. While HOA homeowners carry many rights and privileges, the owners often concede certain freedoms usually enjoyed in more traditional home ownership. One particular area of […]

Homeowner Alterations

Some individuals argue that maintaining the uniform appearance of the homes or units in many condominium or homeowner associations is a valuable aspect of owning a home governed by community associations. However, often times, the owners of homes or units governed by community associations seek to deviate from such uniformity and endeavor to implement alterations […]

Architectural Standards

One of the central roles of a homeowners or condominium owners association is the enforcement of architectural standards. The establishment of architectural standards is at the core of many declarations of covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs or “declaration”). Owners want to know that nobody will build a monstrous pink house next to them.   Read more…