Setting Expectations for Your HOA Management Company

The best relationships between HOAs and the management companies they employ are based on open communication and clear expectations. There is a lot that goes into maintaining property values. However, if you’re not exactly sure what your management company should be doing for your association, it can be difficult to determine if you’re getting the […]

Reader Questions: Who’s the Boss – Manager or Board? (CA)

Q:  I am president of an HOA with management whose performance has been lackluster. Lackluster is characterized by little to no communications unless initiated by the board, not following through with board instructions, and inability to manage our violations process in a steady and predictable manner.   Read the Q&A……………………………..

What Is the Role of a Community Association Manager?

A community association manager (CAM) performs various tasks depending on the size of the community and its unique needs. Also known as a Homeowner’s association manager, a CAM helps oversee the daily operations of a community association. Here are some responsibilities of community association management specialists:   Read the article……………………………..

Lifecycle of a HOA: Keeping Property Values High and Communities Thriving (CA)

The lifecycle of a HOA is similar to the rejuvenating feeling of spring, with a surge of excitement when there’s newness in the air. Over time, new people move in and buildings get updated, which means communities at their inception look much different 10 or 20 years down the line.   Read the article………………………..

The Board Management Relationship: A Functional Partnership

In the world of co-ops, condos, and HOAs, management plays a slightly different role than it does in the rest of the real estate world. For example, in many rental buildings, the landlord or property owner often acts as de facto manager as well; in others, the manager may be an employee or an associate […]

The High Cost of Terrible Service at your HOA or Condo

Have you ever been disappointed with the quality or service of something you have paid for? You aren’t likely to spend your money on that item again. Whether it was poor quality or poor service that caused your disappointment really doesn’t matter. The same is true for your Homeowners Association or condominium.   Read the article………………………..

What you need to know before hiring a property management company

The good news is that selecting the right property management company will make your job as an HOA Board Member a lot easier. On the other hand, there are a lot of property management companies to choose from, so finding the ideal fit for your community association will take some time.  Read the entire article……………………………….

Association Management and the Attorney Client Privilege (CA)

Attorneys who practice community association law are often asked whether a community manager is covered by the attorney-client privilege. In general, the attorney-client privilege shields communications intended to be confidential between an association and its attorney. Materials prepared by an attorney and that reflect the attorney’s thoughts, conclusions or opinions (attorney work product) may also […]

5 Tips for Increasing Collaboration Between Managers and Boards

When you work as a manager or board member, you’re expected to do your fair share of collaboration. Keeping tabs on every meeting and member can sometimes be overwhelming to the point that managers lose a sense of self and cooperation among one another. Although this is never a good thing, there are ways to […]

Cutting Costs: When Using Volunteers Does More Harm Than Good (OH)

With next year’s budgets in preparation, boards may be looking for ways to cut costs and reduce spending. Often, Board’s will look to their owners to volunteer for a variety of maintenance tasks, from snow shoveling to planting flowers. While minor work can be performed by volunteers with relatively little liability exposure, that is not […]

The correct way to change property management companies

When you begin a relationship with a property management company, you always hope that it’s going to be for the long term. However, this isn’t always the case. You might find over time that your management company is no longer a good fit because your needs aren’t being met.   Read the article……………………….

Board/Manager Relationship

The relationship between a community association board and the association’s management company (and community manager) is absolutely vital to the community’s success. How can your community association best ensure that this important relationship remains positive?   Read the article…………………………..

The Role of HOA Management — Hang Up Your Super Suit

Sometimes it seems that homeowners think community association managers have superpowers. They are all-knowing, have x-ray vision, and are able to resolve all matters with a simple decree.  But when you’re actually in the trenches of your job, you know superpowers aren’t exactly part of the package.    Read the article………………………….

5 Signs It’s Time to Change HOA Management Companies

Switching your management company may seem like a lot of work, but the success of your HOA is worth it. When the association/management company relationship is working well, it makes life easier for everyone involved. On the other hand, when the relationship is faltering, it can create problems when trying to achieve even the smallest […]

Time to Call It Quits? When Management Breaks Up With a Client Community

In a New York TImes “Ask Real Estate” letter from last December, a co-op shareholder lamented the sorry state of her 10-unit building: the board president was abdicating his position with no willing successor, and the managing agent was opting not to renew their contract, leaving the co-op adrift as far as leadership was concerned. […]

Managers as Trial Witnesses

Community managers frequently ask about their role in a trial. They also want to know how to best prepare and present themselves in the unfamiliar setting of a court room. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance on these topics.  If I were to distill the answer to these questions down to […]

Addressing Management Problems: Communication, Mediation, Cooperation (NY)

Most of the time, when a problem arises in a multifamily building or community association, the go-to solution is to get management on the phone (or text, or email). The refrain usually goes something like: “Management will take care of it!” “They’ve seen this a million times!” “What can’t they handle?!”    Read the article………………….

Independent Contractors vs. Employees (CA)

In the recent case of Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court, the California Supreme Court set forth a new test that employers should utilize to determine whether their workers are appropriately classified as independent contractors or employees. (Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court (2018) 4 Cal. 5th 903.) The new test will likely […]

‘Indemnity’ and ‘subrogation’ among legal terms to question

Every now and again, I have to remind myself — or be reminded by a client — that not everyone speaks “law.” What are familiar terms to lawyers aren’t necessarily so to those in other walks of life. I suppose this is common to most professions. Who, other than an orthopedist, throws around terms such […]

The Role of HOA Management — Hang Up Your Super Suit

Sometimes it seems that homeowners think community association managers have superpowers. They are all-knowing, have x-ray vision, and are able to resolve all matters with a simple decree.  But when you’re actually in the trenches of your job, you know superpowers aren’t exactly part of the package.         Read the article………………….

Is Your Company a Vendor or an HOA Partner?

If you’re only looking for the lowest price, we are probably not the right choice for you.”  Without trying to sound arrogant or elitist, I have made this statement many times to prospective customers. While we may indeed end up having a lower price depending on who is the current provider and the other companies […]

5 Things That Make an Exceptional Community Association Manager

Community association managers who have been in the business for a few years know what is takes to be a good manager. Problem solving, analytical thinking, good communication skills are the foundation, perhaps even having an “A” type personality.    Read the article……………

5 Tips For Hiring A Good HOA Community Manager

Choosing a community manager is one of the most important decisions that a HOA and condo board will make. Talk about pressure! You need to be careful in your selection because the people who work on your community’s management team—especially those on-site—will affect quality of life for residents. So it’s important to make a smart […]

4 Things to Expect From Your Property Manager

Much of a property management company’s success with your HOA is influenced by the relationship between the manager and your board of directors. We often hear from prospective clients who want to know if the service they are receiving from their current property management company is standard practice or if they can expect more from […]

Community Management: Myths Dispelled

There are quite a few myths and misconceptions about community management that we must dispel. If your association is larger than a handful of units, there is a better than average chance that your community is managed by a community management company. Some of the frustrations faced by owners and board members in associations are […]

Crystal Vision: Why Communication Between a Board and Management Company Matters

As a board member, you want your community to grow and thrive. Having a vision for your community—the aesthetics of it, its reputation, the kinds of programming it offers and amenities it provides—is critical to its long-term well-being. A well-crafted vision will transcend board and resident turnover and keep your community on track.     Read […]

Sure, you can read it but this is our STANDARD LANGUAGE

We have all seen onerous and unfair language in contracts, waivers, releases, invoices, disclaimers, disclosures, notices. Sometimes it is in the dreaded “fine print.” Sometimes it is in large bolded, underlined print. When one party challenges such language, we often hear the response: This is “industry standard.” Don’t agree to proposed language based on an […]

7 Reasons to Hire an HOA Manager This Year

How is your homeowner’s association doing? Is everything running easily and smoothly? Do you have interested members at each HOA board meeting? Is your reserve fund fully funded? What would you do if you were faced with a lawsuit or an unexpected project? If you answered no to any of these questions or don’t know […]

Selecting the Proper Condominium Manager

Question: I have owned a condominium for a long time and have served on the Board of Directors for several years. One big problem involves our condominium management firm.  What criteria should be used for selecting a management firm? What services should the management company perform? Once a contract has been signed, how often should […]

3 Ways Community Management Adds Value

Deciding whether or not to work with a homeowners association management company is an important question that faces every HOA at some point. On one hand, it’s tempting to try to save the monthly management fees and direct those funds back into the association. On the other hand, the amount of work and expertise required […]

Fundamentally Altering the Employee/Employer Relationship between Community Associations and their Management Companies & Independent Contractors

Until last year, condominium and homeowner associations and their management companies understood the relationship between an employer and its employees and who would be considered the employer of those employees. However, a 2015 ruling by the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) has placed that understanding in a state of flux. The new standard employed by […]

Is Your HOA or Condo Community Manager Covered by the Attorney-Client Privilege?

For attorneys who practice community association law, there has been ongoing discussion at national HOA/condo legal events about whether a community manager is covered by the attorney-client privilege. In general the attorney-client privilege shields communications between an association and its attorney for materials prepared in anticipation of litigation or trial.    Read the article…………

When To Call In The Professionals To Advise Your Board

Common areas of a community are vitally important. Not only do they ensure a better quality of life for residents, they also help the resale value of properties. So it makes sense that two of the most important duties of any community’s volunteer board of directors are to manage the affairs of the association and […]

Not-So-Obvious Ways an HOA Management Company Can Help Your Board

An HOA management company can help homeowners association boards in many ways and work with nearly every budget. Two of the most obvious are assisting with financials and collecting delinquent HOA fees. There are also some ways your board members may not have thought of.    Read the article…………

Maximize Your HOA-Community Manager Relationship

A healthy HOA has a good relationship with the community manager. Usually, this means the board and the community manager work well together to help improve the neighborhood. Whether you are a member of an HOA board or a community manager, these three tips can help improve relations to make a more enjoyable community.   […]

How to Choose the Best HOA Management Company [Infographic]

Being a volunteer board member is a big responsibility. There are decisions to be made, meetings to attend, budgets to build, and concerns to address. If your HOA board is at a place where members are feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted, then it’s time to bring in some help. Asking for resident volunteers to help in […]

Moving Management Companies Can Result In Lost Files: How To Prevent

The new management company cannot seem to find all our files – what can we do?”  A recent complaint received by CCOC is but one of many echoing the same cry for help.  This is a major problem for Associations, but where does the onus lie: the management company or the Association. The answer, unfortunately, […]

Selecting a Management Company

Managing a community with an HOA is a lot of work and takes a lot of knowledge. If you think a management company is the better solution for managing your community, it’s time to start looking. However, searching for the best company to meet your community needs may seem overwhelming. Luckily, these tips can help […]

3 Reasons a Manager is Seen as the Bad Guy in a Homeowners Association

Sometimes an HOA manager gets the short end of the stick, but it’s part of the job and a small price to pay to help an HOA board effectively manage its homeowners association. The manager is usually seen in one of three ways, but there are steps board members can take to help the community […]

Responsibilities an HOA Board Can’t Delegate to a Manager

The most important thing a Board needs to know is that it cannot give away the authority to make decisions. The manager is an integral part of a homeowners association, but there are some things the HOA board is ultimately responsible for and can’t delegate to a manager.    Read the article………..

How to Quickly & Painlessly Break Up With Your HOA Manager

Breaking up is hard to do. After evaluating an HOA manager, a Board may decide it would like to change managers, change to a different management company, or it just doesn’t need the services of a manager at all any longer. Before parting ways the Board should ask: are we willing to sacrifice service and […]

How to Effectively Evaluate an HOA Manager

People and organizations are often afraid of evaluation because they’re afraid of failure. If we don’t fail we can’t learn, and if we aren’t given the opportunity to learn, we can’t grow. It’s in the best interest of the homeowners association for the HOA board to take the time to intentionally evaluate the HOA manager, […]

How an HOA Board Can Prepare to Work with a Manager for the First Time

If your HOA board has hired a manager for the first time, there are a number of things it can anticipate the management company will ask for. The Board can prepare for the manager in advance by gathering specific documents and records pertaining to your homeowners association.   Read the article……….

How an HOA Board Can Prepare to Work with a Manager for the First Time

If your HOA board has hired a manager for the first time, there are a number of things it can anticipate the management company will ask for. The Board can prepare for the manager in advance by gathering specific documents and records pertaining to your homeowners association.     Read more……..

How to Create A Sense Of Community In Your HOA

Many homeowners don’t feel a sense of community in their Neighborhoods or see the value their HOA provides. They know have to pay extra money on top of their mortgage to the community, but what value do they receive? This confusion and sense of isolation doesn’t have to exist in your community if your board […]