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Two New District Court Of Appeal Cases – Third Party Purchaser Assessment Liability And Fining Notice Requirement (FL)

/ Owner - July 25, 2017

If your homeowners’ association has not updated its declaration’s assessment collection provisions, then your association might be giving away its otherwise collectable assessment revenue! The problematic declaration provisions are similar to the following: “The sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to the foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to all payments that came due prior to such sale or deed in lieu transfer.” To the dismay of association practitioners everywhere, the appellate courts have continually held that such a declaration provision even controls over Florida Statutes that would otherwise require the purchaser who acquires title as a result of the first mortgagee’s foreclosure (or acquires title by deed in lieu) to pay all back assessments due and owing.    Read the article…………..

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