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SCOV Law Blog: Determining Responsibility When Land is Leased (VT)

/ Owner - December 17, 2016

Allan Sherman waxed that while, “Camp is very entertaining,” the truth was, “They say we’ll have some fun if it stops raining.” So while everyone is soaking in the serene environment, lakefront property is continually embroiled with a fearsome foe hidden in plain sight: H2O. Because an Act 250 permit application to drain Lake Champlain for “erosion control measures” wouldn’t hold much water, that means a long-term battle plan is required for littoral property (and, I imagine, even if you tried for a permit, like an algae bloom, an ocean of red stuff would stand in your way). You must vigilantly (and proverbially) “put one’s finger in the dike” before things snowball. Who must do what and the ramifications that flow therefrom are the questions the SCOV examines in this case.     Read the article………….

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