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Quick Tips for Association Board Members: The Four B’s of Writing Minutes for Board Meetings

/ Owner - November 15, 2017

The minutes of any meeting of the Board of Directors for a Condominium Association or a Homeowners’ Association are public records per Florida law. The minutes are required to be kept for 7 years. Fla. Stat. 718.111(12); Fla. Stat. 720.303(4). The minutes are the most requested and most useful of all of an Association’s records. A homeowner that wants a general understanding of what the Association has done over a period of time should be able to learn this information from reviewing the minutes. The goal of your minutes are twofold: 1) to efficiently provide information and 2) to prevent additional and more detailed requests for information. The minutes should not be an afterthought. So what should a board do to ensure the minutes are effective?    Read the article………………

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