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Pay Your Assessments…Even if your HOA Refuses to Accept Them (AZ)

/ Owner - July 26, 2019

So you find yourself behind in your HOA assessments. The HOA lawyers are circling. Maybe they’ve threatened a lawsuit or already filed it? You call the HOA to try to find out how much you owe, but they just send you to the attorneys. You call the attorneys and leave countless messages. Or maybe they speak to you, but the amount they tell you that you owe is a lot more than you owed…because the HOA has added late fees, collection fees, and a ton of attorneys’ fees to your account. It feels like an excessive amount to charge for a letter or two. You want to bring your account current, if only to avoid foreclosure, but you don’t have the outrageous amount they’re demanding that you pay. So what do you do?    Read the article…………………………

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