CAI Shares Condo Safety Resources in Wake of Surfside Tragedy

Condominium association residents and volunteer board members around the world understandably have questions about the safety of their own communities and are wondering how to protect their buildings after the tragic collapse of Champlain Tower South Condominium Association in Surfside, Fla. CAI is providing information and resources to help concerned residents and board members understand […]

HOA Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season officially season begins June 1st and runs through November 30th. Unlike a tornado that comes upon a community rather quickly, a hurricane can build for weeks at a time, with the forecast changing from day to day. But like a tornado, if you don’t prepare properly, the damages could be felt for years […]

Lake California evacuation worries (CA)

People living in Lake California a community just north of Red Bluff and in Tehama County, only have one route in and out.  “It’s tree lined, there are heavy ditches and a fire apparatus would not be able to come up that road and have residents exit safely,” said Sharon Crawford, Lake California Property Owner’s […]

Hurricane Season 2021: Is Your Community Association Ready? (FL)

Hurricane season began on June 1. Has your community association taken some time to prepare?  If not, here are some tips that will help you prepare your community association for this year’s hurricane season:   Read the entire article……………………………….

How to Handle Unexpected and Dangerous Situations (FL)

Florida associations are accustomed to preparing for hurricanes, but disaster plans should also account for other catastrophic events where there is often less advance warning, such as tornadoes, active shooter scenarios, and now global pandemics. Relying on outside crisis experts for guidance is crucial to ensure that your association is prepared to handle an unexpected […]

‘Ham ‘ it up for hurricane season (FL)

Southwest Floridians are all too familiar with power loss during hurricanes and storms, but who’s there to communicate for us in a state of emergency?  On Saturday morning in Punta Gorda, the Charlotte Amateur Radio Society collaborated with the Burnt Store Lakes Homeowners Association Community Emergency Response Team to demonstrate how Ham Radio operators can […]

The Plan – Identifying the Potential Consequences of a Disaster (FL)

The first step toward developing and implementing a disaster plan is identifying the potential consequences of a disaster. The second step is to develop and implement a plan to mitigate the impact of a disaster to the fullest extent possible.   Read the entire article……………………………….

What Will the Damage Cost? (FL)

A well-designed disaster plan will include safeguards against future risk which are designed to minimize economic and property loss, as well as the loss of human life.  It is dangerous to ever become complacent about hurricanes when you live or own property in Florida. Knowing that disasters can occur and being prepared to deal with […]

Federal Efforts Boost Disaster Assistance for Community Associations

Anyone who has lived in or worked with community associations knows that planning and preparation for natural disasters matters. That is why it is encouraging to see policymakers in Washington, D.C., take steps to make disaster recovery less complicated for common interest communities.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Hold a Safety and Security Review for Your Association (NY)

Is your Association simply a business enterprise . . . or is it a community? Of course, it’s both. So along with news of important financial decisions, your Co-op, Condo, or HOA Board would do well to share ideas that will enhance the community’s sense of well-being.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Significant Flood Insurance Changes On the Way (NC)

If you or your association are required (or wish) to have flood insurance, big changes are coming. For years, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has looked at ways to better charge specific properties for their specific risks. At present, flood insurance rates are mostly based on a property’s location and elevation. That may not […]

“All Things are Ready if our Emergency Plan Be So” Dealing with Emergency Preparedness in California HOAs

California is used to wildfires. But the Golden State’s record-breaking 2020 wildfire season was particularly brutal. A blistering heat wave fueled dozens of simultaneous fires – conditions that spurred Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a statewide state of emergency. Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their residences. But, was not – and is […]

Five New Year’s Resolutions to Make in Your Community

In 2020, communities across the globe faced unprecedented challenges, but as the new year begins, there’s hope for a brighter, more predictable future. Having learned from the experiences of 2020, communities can now work towards a successful tomorrow. In doing so, it’s important to resolve to do the things that will set your community association […]

How to Handle Disaster Management for Your HOA

Despite our best efforts, disasters are regular occurrences and are most often out of our control. Whether predicted or unexpected, natural or man-made, disasters can occur without warning, so it’s imperative to have a plan in place.    Read the article………………………………

Tips for Developing and Adapting a Strategic Plan for Your Community

As an elected leader of your community, you’re responsible for establishing the direction of the community and allocating resources. To ensure both dollars and human resources get used wisely, you should adopt the practice of setting time aside to develop a strategic plan for your community. Read on to learn more about the benefits of […]

After the Storm | The Role of your Association After a Natural Disaster (FL)

There is an eerie quietness that can often be felt after a disaster like a hurricane of flash flooding, the time after the rain has stopped but the sun still hasn’t returned. Returning to business as usual after your community has faced a natural disaster can be difficult, the responsibilities can seem endless but there […]

Ready for the worst: Disaster preparedness for HOAs

Furious wildfires are destroying large swathes of California, Oregon, and other parts of the western United States. Dozens of people have died and thousands have been forced from their homes.  The US National Interagency Fire Center has reported that firefighters are battling more than 100 large wildfires across the western U.S., with higher-than-normal levels of […]

Strategic Planning Tips for Your Community Organization

Community organization boards always have something new to handle every day. It can all pile up and prove overwhelming, so formulate a strategic plan to ensure that everything runs smoothly no matter what comes up. Strategic planning essentially involves setting and scheduling the organization’s affairs and activities in an organized manner to maximize efficiency and […]

Five HOAs join fight for Cypress Creek flood remediation (TX)

Adamek knows flooding and he knows transportation and isn’t fooled by the pat answers and chicanery he hears at meetings. A retired engineer from General Electric, he works part-time in Washington, D. C. for the Department of Transportation.  One of his first orders of business was to put some more strength behind efforts he and […]

Hurricane Season Checklist for Florida Community Associations

Florida’s official hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30 – that’s six months out of the year. As we head into the busiest part of the season, weather patterns can be unpredictable and quickly shift from pleasant to severe. This is why hurricane preparation should be a critical component of community association operations.  […]

Continuity Planning for Michigan Community Associations

During this time of economic uncertainty and concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic, community associations should take an ‘inventory’ of the current conditions of the association and have a continuity plan in place just in case something tragic happens. For example, what happens if the President of the Board of Directors suddenly passes away?    Read the […]

Three years after Harvey, Kingwood continues to battle for flood mitigation (TX)

Three years ago, Hurricane Harvey inundated much of the Kingwood area after Lake Houston and the San Jacinto River overflowed and deposited flood waters into thousands of homes and businesses.  Established in 1970, Friendswood Development billed Kingwood as The Liveable Forest — a neighborhood on the northeast side of Houston that was lush with trees […]

What to Do Before and After a Hurricane (FL)

Hello, and welcome to Community Association Matters, the podcast that serves homeowner and condominium associations in Florida. And I say Florida now, because we are serving not just Southeast Florida, but also Southwest Florida with offices in both Miami and Fort Myers. So we’re very excited about that opportunity. And as always, our goal here […]

HOA Emergency Preparedness Plan: How To Plan For Emergencies (OH)

Emergencies and natural disasters can happen at any time, which is why it is important for every HOA to come up with a plan addressing them. Creating an HOA emergency preparedness plan is not always easy, though, especially if you don’t know where to start.    Read the article…………………………….

Ocean City Condo Complex to Rise Above Flood Level (MD)

Chronic flooding at the Ocean Aire Condominiums is so bad at times that stormwater literally surges as high as the windows.  But residents living at the condo complex at 43rd Street and West Avenue in Ocean City’s south end won’t be moving out. They’ll be moving up.     Read the article………………………………

Disaster Planning Beyond Hurricanes (FL)

Florida associations are accustomed to preparing for hurricanes, but disaster plans should also account for other catastrophic events where there is often less advance warning, such as tornadoes or even activeshooter scenarios.   Read the article………………………………..

Tips for Developing and Adapting a Strategic Plan for Your Association

As a member of your HOA’s board of directors, you’re responsible for establishing the direction of the association and allocating resources. To ensure both dollars and human resources get used wisely, you should adopt the practice of setting time aside to develop a strategic plan for your community. Read on to learn more about the […]

Ready… Set… Recover: Essential Hurricane Preparedness Guidebook for Florida Community Associations

Anticipating an active 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, the Florida Community Association Law Firm of Katzman Chandler today released its annual “Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery Guide for Community Associations” to help Florida communities protect their properties and safeguard community residents during what experts say will be a significantly more active storm season.      Read the article…………………………

Hurricane Preparedness During a Pandemic: What to Expect and How to Prepare (FL)

Hurricane Season 2020 is here, and scientists are predicting that it will produce more and stronger storms than we have seen in the recent past. In fact, Tropical Storms Arthur and Bertha developed before this season even officially began. We have since seen 2 more named storms and a number of tropical depressions.  Floridians are […]

Millions of Americans think they’re safe from flood waters. They aren’t

A new, nationwide flood modeling tool released Monday paints a picture of the U.S. as a country woefully underprepared for damaging floods, now and in the future.  The federal government’s best efforts to predict where flooding will strike have underestimated the risk to nearly 6 million homes and commercial properties primarily in the nation’s interior, […]

What’s the real flood danger in Florida? New data shows the risk to your home

As global climate change begins to make a home in the United States in the form of rising seas, punishing storms, and more intense rainfall, the federal government underestimates the flood risk for 113,965 households and properties in Florida, a wide-ranging scientific analysis released Monday found.   Read the article…………………………

How To Set SMART Goals For Your HOA

Regardless of where your HOA is located, it is important to consider how to improve your organization each year. HOAs that are always forward-thinking and set out to achieve attainable goals will have a great deal of respect from their residents, along with smart financial management. If you are considering how to set SMART goals […]

Making Sure That Your Association Is Prepared for the Unexpected

Most association boards of directors are prepared for the responsibility of the normal day-to-day operations they are responsible for. Association documents usually state that the board is responsible to run the daily operations and has the authority to do so. However, most documents do not address, or at best are vague on, the responsibilities or […]

HOA Powers And Obligations In Emergency Situations

An HOA’s mission includes the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the community. And, to that end, a disaster or crisis situation may call for proactive preparation and rapid response.  Read the article…………………………….

Emergency Management – Planning is Everything (NY)

Planning for a rainy day is pretty easy. Have an extra umbrella handy or a waterproof coat, and you’re probably fine. Planning for the rainiest day ever, on the other hand, is significantly more daunting. Especially if during that day there’s also a fire, an earthquake, or a tornado. It may sound like exaggeration, but […]

Coronavirus Response: 5 Actions HOAs Should Take Now

Association boards should be vigilant when dealing with illnesses like the coronavirus. It’s important that HOAs create an action plan in case there is a disruption in association business.  Read the article……………………….

Long-Range Planning for Your HOA

Short-term goals offer quicker rewards than their long-term counterpart. However, while long-term goals feel distant and sometimes unattainable, they can prove to be more satisfying in the end.  So, where do you even start? Perhaps you’ll consider the below tips and tricks regarding how to approach long-range planning for your association. This method is separated […]

Insuring Catastrophe

….as even more communities reckon with rising sea levels and catastrophic storms, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is encouraging homeowners and renters to “buy as much flood insurance as they can.” The agency provides over 96% of all flood coverage through its National Flood Insurance Program, making it the sole option for most Americans.  But […]

Lake Conroe to Kingwood: Look elsewhere for help with flooding (TX)

This past week, the two sides marched into battle at a packed public hearing in a Conroe convention center, where each speaker was given three minutes to state his or her case. The crowd included three busloads of residents that David Hartman tailed down Texas 105 from Walden on Lake Conroe.  Along the way, they […]