CAI continues fight for FEMA disaster relief equality

Since the beginning of the year, CAI has continued to step up its efforts to secure access to federal disaster relief funds for community associations across the United States. CAI members impacted by Hurricane Sandy continue facing high recovery costs as local governments are being denied Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reimbursement for debris removal […]

Understanding Flood Insurance: What Are Its Limits? And Can I Get It?

After the storm, after the surge, after the wind has died, after floodwaters recede, the finger-pointing inevitably begins. “We did not have flood insurance,” says Dr. Janie Simmons, an anthropologist and AIDS researcher who serves as board president of Shore View Condominiums at Rockaway Beach in Queens, one of the many New York City communities […]

Superstorm Sandy: Federal Help Exists for Co-op and Condo Associations

In the terrible aftermath of superstorm Sandy, co-op and condo boards and residents found themselves struggling with both dire immediate needs and longer-term woes. With lobbies, basements and other common areas flooded and in need of repair and reconstruction, with electrical panels destroyed and with buildings not collecting maintenance or common charges from uninhabitable apartments, […]

Is Your Association Prepared for Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters come in many shapes and sizes. It could be a tornado, a flood, Superstorm Sandy, or a wildfire. Regardless of the type of disaster, the devastation and loss is often overwhelming. Nothing can fully prepare someone to handle the emotional impact of a natural disaster. However, with some thought and planning before a […]

Survival Steps: How The Albert Co-op Weathered Hurricane Sandy (video)

Fred Rudd, manager of The Albert, discusses how the cooperative’s advance emergency planning helped the residents cope with an eight-day blackout in the wake of the devastating hurricane that hit New York last month. More storm reports from New York-area co-ops and condos at   Read More……  


What does a community association board of directors do if a natural disaster wipes out all or a portion of its association? When and where is it likely to happen? Is there a plan for dealing with it? Is this a problem to worry about? Yes, worry about it. A natural disaster can strike a […]

Wildfire App catches Fire

The 2012 wildfire season was one of the worst on record, leaving the people at the American Red Cross busy devising new and innovative ways to get information to people faster. As a response to the growing use of technology, they have created the “Wildfire App.”  Read More……

Hurricane Season and Expectations of Management

A professional community manager should provide or facilitate the following checklist of services/actions to guide the board and owners before, during and after hurricane season. The board could 1) authorize the manager to proceed with accomplishing each action item    Read more…….