Best Plants for Instant HOA Curb Appeal (CA)

Whether you are needing a sprucing up or wanting to try out a new HOA front yard design, plants are a great way to do it on the cheap. This summer, you can spend some time creating the front yard of your dreams with plants that flower and grow beautifully all year round. If you […]

Stormwater Pond: 13 Things (2023) You Ought To Know

If you are planning a development project, don’t forget to leave room for a stormwater pond!  These features have become increasingly common with the advent of formal programs regulating stormwater.    Read the article………………………..

Asphalt Lot Paving and Sidewalk Survival Guide for HOAs

In Chicago and its suburbs, weather can drastically shorten the life of parking lots and sidewalks if they don’t get proper maintenance. Plus, potholes and other uneven areas can be a safety concern. We interviewed Todd Eichholz, CEO of A&A Paving in Roselle, IL, for a survival guide, as his team has extensive experience with […]

Could Your Community Benefit from These Grass Alternatives?

Many communities love to use grass as part of their landscaping as it provides green space, is excellent for the environment, and allows residents to enjoy outdoor space in their communities. It provides a place for kids to play and dogs to run and roam free. However, using grass extensively in your community’s landscape can […]

Condo Column: Snow contractor contracts (NH)

It is inevitable that the leaves will fall, the tree limbs become barren, the Halloween candy will have been eaten, and the Thanksgiving preparations made, leaving nothing left to distract condominium boards of directors from the task of preparing for winter. That means the annual snow removal contract.  Read the article………………………..

How this low-water groundcover held up during the late-summer heat (CA)

In an attempt to find a drought-tolerant ground cover for his Irvine homeowners’ association landscape, Jim Harrison introduced kurapia in selected areas this summer. Harrison wrote that it was “planted in July, filled in nicely in August, and survived well in September heat.”   Read the article………………………..

Neighbor-to-Neighbor Overgrown Tree Disputes

As a homeowner’s association board member, it’s important to know where your association stands when it comes to tree disputes. Some common questions are on rights of trimming trees between neighbors property lines, as well as communication between neighbors on how to remove overgrown landscaping and trees. Here’s one question we’ve received in the past […]

Condo Column: The dawn of new lawns? (NH)

If asked, most people would venture a guess that the most grown crop in the United States is corn or wheat. But far and way the most grown “crop” in America is grass. In fact, if you lumped the lawns together, a NASA-led study in 2005 estimated lawns would cover about 63,000 acres, i.e. about […]

Community spirit and generosity grow in Waterloo condo garden (ON)

When the residents in our condo building at 265 Westcourt Pl. in Waterloo saw a large blank palette of flower bed in April, they began to think “garden.” Eight families formed an informal Beechmount Garden Club and began, with the permission of the condo board, to clear, dig, sow and reap.   Read the article………………………..

Valencia Reserve HOA Sues Over Lawn Killing Virus (FL)

The virus, which kills grass and other vegetation — starting with a brown “mosaic” but ultimately leaving dead lawns in its wake — is problematic in Valencia Reserve, according to the complaint. The Homeowners Association made an insurance claim under the “pollution loss” section of its policy — seeking money to mitigate the problem. But […]

HOA Gardening Rules | Can I plant flowers by my condo (GA)

It’s important to note any HOA gardening rules and guidelines in your community whether you would consider yourself to have a green thumb or are just looking to pick up a new hobby. Any landscaping you do to common property may require board approval, despite how beautiful you may believe it to be, because of […]

A Guide to HOA Landscaping

Properly maintained landscaping can affect home values and your HOA’s overall value by as much as 12%. For board members, ensuring your community’s landscaping is the best it can be is one of the most important things you can do to keep your community competitive and members satisfied.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Finally, Some Legal Clarity For Florida’s Tree-Trimming Home Rule Battles

Quite literally among the first references in Biblical history, trees have blossomed with symbolism, representing life, shelter, wisdom and prosperity. But in any given Florida hurricane season, they evoke fear as they become wayward wind-driven projectiles or life-changing house-flatteners. Or they can also stir rage when a beloved tree is pruned beyond recognition or completely […]

Lawsuit: Valencia Bay to Remove Hundreds of Oak Trees (FL)

In what could be the latest blow to the so-called ”Agriculture Reserve” in South Palm Beach County, the Valencia Bay Homeowners Association is preparing to remove hundreds of ”tall oak” trees that line the community off of Lyons Road, north of Clint Moore.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Series of dog illnesses, deaths in Arrowood worry residents (CA)

Both pet owners soon realized they weren’t alone. After connecting with neighbors during a homeowners’ association meeting, they learned that since 2020, approximately 34 pets had fallen ill under similar circumstances throughout the Arrowood community. Eighteen of those animals later died, including Dommie, Maggie and two kittens.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Pavement Rehabilitation

Resurfacing a flexible (asphalt) pavement is an expensive undertaking that becomes necessary when the pavement reaches the end of its useful life. There are methods to rehabilitate the pavement, which can extend the useful life as well as have a major effect on the aesthetics of the pavement.   Read the entire article……………………………….

What to consider before ripping out your lawn

The grass lawn is as much a part of the lore of the American suburban dream as white picket fences and apple pies. But that page may be turning—some Americans are reconsidering why they continue to put money and time into this less-than-eco-friendly part of the home.Read the entire article……………………………….

Artificial Turf: A HOT Topic in AZ

The installation of artificial grass in community associations is becoming an increasingly pressing topic. With the Arizona Department of Water Resources’ (AWDR) goal of sustainable water supplies by 2030 in mind, it would certainly make sense for artificial turf to become a popular means of reducing water usage for property owners. Read the entire article……………………………….

Summer Landscaping Maintenance Tips

With lavish greenery comes great responsibility. The landscaping space in HOAs can be shaped or flattened into hills or features that are appealing to the eye. For example, you can create shaded forest paths and open playing fields. People spend more time outside as the weather warms up, and every space between houses and sidewalks […]

Condo questions: Can a board remove trees without a community vote? (FL)

Q: The board of our condo association has removed several trees in our community and replaced them with concrete, rock, and grass. Their stated purpose for the tree removal is that the roots are growing out of control causing the sidewalk and pavement to lift and crack.  Read the Q&A……………………………….

Top 5 Tips on Keeping the Sidewalk Safe (NY)

Many of us have been there. Face down after stumbling on an uneven or slippery sidewalk. We are not talking on the way home from a happy hour. We are talking about broad daylight when going to the store or the subway. That begs for the question, who is responsible for the sidewalks?   Read the […]

Tree Maintenance and the Potential Impact of Section 163.045, Florida Statutes

In general, a community association is responsible for operating and maintaining the common areas of the community (in the case of homeowners’ associations), and the common elements (in the case of condominium associations). If there are trees located on these common areas/elements, the association’s maintenance duties will include trimming and even the removal of trees […]

HOA Snow Plowing Contracts

As a board member, preparing your community for winter weather is crucial. One easy way to do so is to have a snow plowing contract with a vendor. By contracting with a vendor to remove ice and snow from the shared roadways, parking lots, and walkways in your community, you’ll be able to ensure homeowners […]

Maintaining Asphalt, Concrete and Pavers (FL)

Last week we discussed how heat and water damage asphalt. This week let’s discuss how to maintain the asphalt and concrete surfaces.   Read the entire article……………………………….

5 Steps Your HOA Board Must Take for Winter Preparation (NJ)

Winter is coming, which means it’s time your HOA board begins preparing its community for the icy and snowy weather. Winter storms can bring many issues that cause property damage, power outages, and travel restrictions. To ensure your community is snow and rain-proofed, it’s vital to have the right winter preparation plan in place. Here […]

10 Steps to Prepare Your Association for Snowstorm Safety

When you know a snowstorm is coming, there are steps that every home and condo should take. We usually secure the windows, locate snow shovels, and know how many inches of snow to expect. For a condo association, there are a few additional responsibilities beyond staying personally safe.  Read the entire article……………………………….

Lake Management Tips (FL)

Your lakes and ponds have many different functions and vary from community to community. For the most part, they collect sediment and flowing water during rainstorms, operate as fishing spots, and serve as beautiful ecosystems to enjoy year round. But when they are unmanaged, they can have physical and chemical imbalances that affect the lifespan […]

3 Common Lake & Pond Management Misconceptions (FL)

As an Aquatic Specialist with more than a decade of experience, I’ve assisted hundreds of property managers with their lake and stormwater pond management needs over the years. Despite the diverse types of lakes and ponds they oversee, I’ve noticed that many clients have the same set of concerns or misconceptions about their waterbodies. These […]

Make the Most Out of Your HOA Landscape for Fall

Fall is almost here, and that means it’s time for boards to start preparing their HOA landscape for the new season. If you’re looking for the best lawn-care tips to improve and maintain your HOA landscape, here are five essential maintenance must-dos to follow.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Fences in HOAs

When you live in an HOA, sharing a fence with a backyard neighbor is often part of the experience. Whether you’re updating or modifying an existing fence or constructing a new fence, there are several things you should be aware of prior to initiating the process.    Read the entire article……………………………….

Flower Mound HOA wants uniformity. Homeowner wants to save water, fights back (TX)

Angela Rosencrans leaned on her knowledge as a Denton County Master Gardener and as the owner of a garden design business to turn her “hellstrip” into something prettier than a weedy, patchy island at the curbside of the Flower Mound home she shares with her husband, Dean.    Read the entire article……………………………….

Who Is Responsible for Roof Repairs and Replacements in Condo Associations? Everything You Need to Know

Unlike traditional standalone properties, there’s uncertainty in condos regarding repairs and replacements for shared amenities like roofing. Condo associations bring unit owners together, pool resources, and set rules on managing shared amenities.  The community governing documents determine how to handle repairs of shared amenities like roofing. In some instances, the board, depending on the association’s […]

13 Pavement Defects and Failures You Should Know

With all the snow and ice over the last week on the east coast I thought it would be an appropriate time to look at some of the identifiable ways asphalt is adversely affected by weather – and other conditions. After all, correctly identifying pavement problems and their causes is very important, Below we have […]

Beautify Your Community Entrance

Can we talk about how a community’s curb appeal can improve property values? Most people don’t think about it until they buy or sell. But many other professionals are constantly valuing properties, neighborhoods, and community associations for various reasons. An entrance to a community or neighborhood can have a huge impact on the individual property […]

Joint Upkeep Obligations for Landowners Along Private Roads (MI)

On October 22, 2020, the Michigan Court of Appeals addressed maintenance issues for private roads. In Bayberry Group, Inc. v. Crystal Beach Condominium Association ____ Mich App ___ (2020), the Court of Appeals held that the requirement to maintain a private road easement by those with ingress and egress rights is limited solely to the […]

Responsibility for Tree Branches & Roots (FL)

Who is responsible for a tree branch that perilously hangs over a neighbor’s house or yard? Who is responsible for tree roots that are damaging a sidewalk or driveway?   Read the entire article……………………………….