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Oops! Who’s on the Hook for Eight Years of Unbilled Fees? (NY)

/ Owner - July 17, 2018

Most co-op and condo boards rely on the vital income from various fees – for parking, sublets, and the storage of bikes and other belongings. But at a tight-knit, 15-unit co-op in Manhattan, the board recently discovered that one shareholder has never been charged for his storage space, which costs $40 a month. His eight years of missed fees add up to about $3,800. Board members are divided about how to proceed: Some think the shareholder should be billed for the whole amount; others think the board should split it with him; and others think that he isn’t liable since it was the building’s error. Ethics aside, the board president writes to the Ask Real Estate column in the New York Times, what are a board’s legal responsibilities?     Read the article………………

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