Case Law: Heron Bay Homeowners Association v. City of San Leandro (CA)

/ Owner - November 23, 2019

Halus Power Systems sought approval from the City of San Leandro for a zoning variance to construct a 100-foot-tall wind turbine on an industrial parcel. The property is located in an estuary, where many species of waterfowl and shorebirds, including threatened or endangered species, reside. The property is also roughly 500 feet from the 629-unit Heron Bay residential development. The city approved the construction of the turbine, finding that the significant environmental effects of the project could be reduced to insignificance through mitigation measures. The Heron Bay Home Owners Association filed suit under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), asserting that the city needed to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) for the project.    Read the article……………………………………..

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