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A Board Member’s Highest Loyalty: It’s Not What You Think! (CT)

/ Owner - March 8, 2019

In your life as a Board member you have probably heard something like this from an unhappy unit owner: “You work for me! You owe me a duty to do what is best for me!” Well, no. None of that is true and here’s why.  As a Board member, your first duty is a duty of ordinary care and loyalty to the Association. Although the Association is “made up” of unit owners, it is not the same thing to say your duty is to individual unit owners. In fact, Connecticut courts have confirmed that Board members do not generally have a duty to the individual unit owners. Your loyalty and ordinary care duties are to the Association as a whole. And yes, it is a fine line to walk, because many or even most times, what is good for the Association will be, in fact, good for the unit owners. However, that is not always the case.    Read the article………………

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