How to voice out your concerns about HOA dues increase

When you live in a community managed by a Homeowners Association (HOA), you understand your responsibility to pay regular dues to help maintain the quality of your neighborhood. However, a significant increase in contributions might seem suspicious, especially when the change was not communicated properly to you. As a homeowner, you have the right to […]

The Importance of Communication

Effective communication stands as the cornerstone of success for HOA/condo associations. From fostering transparency to nurturing a sense of community, clear and consistent communication channels can distinguish excellent associations from mediocre ones. Set forth below are some strategies to promote outstanding communication skills within your community:   Read the article…………………………….

Steps to Manage Increasing Hostility and Misinformation on POA Social Media Pages

Social media has taken root in the daily lives of almost every person in the world. With billions of users, the various social media platforms have enabled communication to be shared around the world instantly. But with that instantaneous communication, negative side effects have appeared. Over the last several years, increasing hostility and misinformation have […]

Say What? Court Says Boards Can E-mail (CA)

The Court of Appeals for the Fourth Appellate District recently handed down a landmark decision impacting HOA governance. In LNSU #1 v. Alta Del Mar Coastal Collection Community Association, the court delves into the issue of e-mail communications between board members. For better or worse, the court essentially eviscerates the transparency component of the Open […]

‘Heartbeat of this HOA:’ Ocoee woman helps make neighborhood a community (FL)

Here at News 6, we get a lot of emails about neighborhood homeowners associations.  Most are complaints that go to our investigative or consumer units.  But residents of one Ocoee neighborhood felt so strongly about someone on their board, they nominated her for the News 6 Getting Results award.    Read the article…………………………….

5 Ways to Communicate within your Community

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining strong connections within your community is more important than ever. From sharing important updates to fostering a sense of togetherness, effective communication lays the foundation for a thriving community. Let’s explore five essential ways to keep everyone in the loop:   Read the article………………………………..

HOA Homefront — Appellate ruling OKs board email discussions (CA)

There is a transparency law within the Davis-Stirling Act called the “Open Meeting Act,” containing requirements regarding governance transparency. For years, many HOA lawyers have discouraged their clients’ boards from deliberating in email regarding HOA issues, because it seemed to violate the Open Meeting Act.    Read the article………………………..

How to Improve Communication Among Board Members

Effective communication between HOA board members is essential to help enhance the overall functioning of the organization. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, so it is important to foster an environment of clear and respectful dialogue. Here are 8 strategies that can be used by HOA board members to improve their communication with […]

Communication in the Perfect HOA: Homeowner Relationship Management

Communication is the key to success. Period, full stop, end of story. Without quality, consistent, transparent communication, relationships of all kinds crumble, including those in community associations. Boards have a responsibility to the community to keep everyone informed and involved in the decisions being made. Communication in the perfect HOA should cover a lot of […]

Communications & Community – Clarity, Transparency, & Respect

The words communication and community share a common root. It comes as no surprise, then, that the success of communities depends on effective communication between board members, managers, and residents. In multifamily residential communities like co-ops and condominiums, effective communication is a crucial component in achieving optimal results and operations. Lines of communication between boards, […]

8 Ways to Increase Your Communication with Your HOA Board Members & Homeowners

One of the most challenging issues in every HOA is increasing the involvement of its association members. It’s their community, too, and they should be aware of what’s going on and be able to vote when significant decisions are made. However, convincing your homeowners to participate can be difficult.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Master-Planned Communities Embracing Next Generation of White-Labeled Mobile Apps

Bozeman, Montana-based real estate technology company Alosant is a pioneer in the burgeoning category of mobile apps for master-planned communities—sprawling developments that feature an array of amenities, such as schools, workspaces, shops, restaurants, bars, and golf courses.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Transparency vs. Discretion: What to Say (Or Not to Say), and When

Members of condominium and co-op boards are often faced with conflicting interests and messages relating to matters of transparency and discretion. As a matter of good governance, transparency is always the preferred policy, whether you’re the president of your community board or the President of the United States.  Read the entire article……………………………….

Communication, Communication, Communication (CO)

One of the most common situations occurring after a collection account has been turned over to the attorney’s office is the pertinent owner contacting the management company or a board member immediately after receiving the initial demand letter from the attorney. Of course, the association does not want to turn the owner away, but the […]

Changing of the Guard: How a New Generation of Homeowners is Rewriting the Community Playbook (CO)

First-time homeownership surged after COVID-19, fueled by pent-up demand and historically low mortgage rates. Many of these homeowners are young and will own homes for decades. Their loyalty is enormously valuable to management companies, but it won’t come easy. Young consumers are tech-savvy, independent, and impatient.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Should Board Member E-Mails be Maintained in the Official Records? (FL)

Both the Condominium Act and Homeowners Association Act delineate a list of documents or items that a community association must maintain as official records of the association. Both statutes also include a catchall provision (i.e., Fla. Stat. §720.303(4) and Fla. Stat. §718.111(12)(a)(15)) generally requiring retention of all records of the association not specifically included in […]

What “Transparency” Really Means in Co-ops and Condos

I spend many evenings every year attending annual co-op and condo meetings, and during the election phase of those meetings, I usually hear demands for better communication from the boards to their shareholders and unit-owners.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Communications: When the board has different priorities

The successful and effective administration of a community often depends on several players, each bringing a unique, and necessary, factor to the equation. This composition includes the diverse background of the community association board members, and potentially other resources, such as a community association manager and legal counsel.    Read the entire article……………………………….

Community Associations and Crisis Communication: 6 Best Practices (IL)

No one wants to have to deal with an emergency situation or natural disaster (ex. earthquake, flooding, tornado, wildfires) in their condominium, homeowner (HOA), or townhome association. But board members, community leaders, and property managers should be proactive in their preparation to handle a crisis.   Read the entire article……………………………….

Effective Communication During a Construction Defect Claim in the New Normal (CA)

Effective communication within a homeowners association is always important. Once an association brings a construction defect action against the builder, communication and cooperation among the board, community association manager, and the construction defect attorney become essential. However, with the outbreak of COVID-19, communication and cooperation regarding construction defects will most likely remain permanently changed.   Read […]

Five Ways to Ensure Effective Communication Between Board Members (IL)

Condominium, homeowner (HOA), townhome association board members are neighbors, volunteers, and members of their community. Since they must work together in order to manage association business, chemistry and communication among board members is critical.   Read the entire article……………………………….

6 Ways to Communicate Within Your Community Association

Good communication is a fundamental part of operating any kind of organization. But what makes communication “good?”  Whether you are planning to communicate with other board members or reach out to every resident in the community, your communication strategy should:    Read the entire article……………………………….

The new normal: 5 best practices for community associations (MD)

Community associations are as popular as ever and keep growing across the U.S. Just like everything else recently, however, best practices for managing an association have changed over the past year. Is your association keeping up? Here are five takeaways from 2020 that may change the way you interact with each other and homeowners:   Read […]

Building Bridges in Your Community Association

Increasing personal connection between HOA members is central to the association’s goal to preserve property values and build a stronger sense of community. Life in a community association provides tremendous value ­– from orderly, attractive common areas to exciting amenities – however, dedicating time to build a stronger sense of community can often get put […]

How to Avoid Communication Breakdown Across Your Associations

As the last several months have shown us, communication is critical in community association management, which is why you need to do all you can to avoid communication breakdown between your teams and associations to ensure everyone is informed at all times.   Read the article………………………………

5 Tips To Improve HOA Communications

Healthy communication is the key to successfully managing homeowners’ associations. HOAs need to keep its members informed about any changes in the association’s rules, important announcements, and business matters, such as how the board spends the HOA’s money. Communication can also enhance the quality of the HOA by fostering a greater sense of community among […]

Communicating In A Crisis: Part 1 – Defining A Crisis And Preparing Communication

In our July “Ask the Experts” webinar, we heard from Attorney Morgan Bryant of McCabe, Trotter & Beverly, P.C. on Communicating in a Crisis. Though this topic is particularly relevant in today’s environment, it is one that is always of special importance to board members as it touches on communications not only surrounding Covid-19, but […]

Planning Your Communications Program

There are two ways to communicate: oral and written contact.  Either way, there is a sender, a receiver and a message involved. The structure of your message, and the manner in which you impart information to the residents of your community, should be based on the following considerations:   Read the PDF……………………………

HOA communication strategies

At its simplest, an HOA is a governing structure for a planned community. It takes care of certain items, in exchange for a fee, and maintains the atmosphere and value of the community.  An HOA also creates CC&Rs, bylaws, and rules and regulations that homeowners need to abide by. Rules are different for every community, […]

Communicate, and Then Over Communicate (IL)

A few years ago, I was on the phone with a homeowner. He was irate with how his community’s money was being spent. He was unhappy with the budget increase. It was a call I took regularly from any one of my homeowners (and more often than not, a hundred of my homeowners). Whenever the […]

Condo association communication standards

Do you have a system for communicating with your condo community? If not, you may want to take some time to create one.  Communication standards are important in any workplace, and condo associations are no different. People who have never had to manage a condo don’t understand how challenging the role can be, and they […]

Crisis Communication Tips Every Board Member Should Know

Over the past few weeks, many board members may be feeling like they have taken over the role of a crisis communications professional. What should you do with the overwhelming flood of information that changes sometimes several times a day? And, how do you figure out what you should communicate to homeowners, and when?    […]

Effective HOA communication tools

Good communication goes a long way. It is the foundation of any happy HOA. When there is clear and effective communication between homeowners and management, it has a positive impact on the overall wellbeing of the association. Conversely, when owners don’t receive the information they need, they can feel lost and left out.   Read the […]

5 Pros in Using Social Media for Association Communication

Board members understand the need to convey community information to their members in an efficient, cost-effective, and expeditious manner. Accordingly, some associations have created Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter and other social media accounts for their communities. While there are many factors that need to be considered, technology can provide a number of benefits in […]

Communication With Your Attorney

Most attorneys are adept and accustomed to using a variety of forms of communication with their clients. Most attorneys will also charge for communications with their clients, so clients should consider what is best, not only in the context of cost, but also what is best for providing and receiving legal advice. As an attorney […]

Are E-Mails Official Records? (FL)

Whether you live in a condominium, cooperative or homeowner association, the Statue governing your community defines the term “official records”. In defining official records, each Statue has a catch-all provision.  All other written records of the association not specifically included in the foregoing which are related to the operation of the Association.    Read the article………………….

The Future of Communications

Effective communication is a cornerstone of any successful community association. In order to effectively communicate requires HOA boards to not only deliver clear, transparent and thoughtful messages to the membership, but also to seek and listen to input from the membership to the board. In the digital age, the form, manner and style of communication […]

HOA board members should take care in communications (NV)

Every day we communicate, be it our telephone conversations, our emails or our letters. As community managers and homeowners association board members, we communicate when we send governing documents, budgets and financial reports to our residents. Words become important and what we say, how we say it, when we say it and how we distribute […]

Takeaways from HOA’s Handling of “Parkland Strong” Yard Sign Controversy (FL)

In the aftermath of one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history, the residents of Parkland in Broward County have taken pride in the resilience and unity that they have demonstrated as a community. Memorials and messages of support were placed throughout the neighborhoods and enclaves surrounding Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and signs […]

Think Twice Before Sending That Email (MI)

The management and administration of a community association is the operation of a business. Email is likely an essential component of conducting association business. Email is quick and creates a record of the issues discussed by the Directors and the decisions they make. While many Directors and managers may be aware of the right to […]

The #1 Problem Homeowners Associations Have With Management Companies

Are you tired of the lack of customer service from the management company your association has had for a number of years? It’s possible that the company was inherited from past HOA board members. Maybe they hired the management company because they liked a specific manager, but that manager no longer works for the company […]

What Did You Say?

In the community association world, it is fundamental for board members, managers and decision-makers to have good communication skills in order to succeed. Such skills are important in any business, but in community associations where membership and dues are mandatory, good communication is critically important.    Read the article………………

Communication Conundrum

Communication between the association and homeowners, whatever form it takes, is a crucial part of successful HOA management. Consistent and open communication can mean the difference between a happy community and a mob of angry homeowners. If you ask any Community Manager or management company employee, they will tell you that the number one complaint […]

It’s Time to Change the Message (Part 2)

Let’s say you did everything recommended in last week’s blog. You have great rules and have done a masterful job communicating them to your members. Bravo! Yet, despite best intentions and practice, someone’s gonna blow it. Reflecting back to last week’s Catholic imagery, whether it be an innocent sin of omission or a more brazen […]