Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff, a paid lobbyist of Florida condominium associations, in an op-ed on Feb. 14, advocated for a bill that “would allow older high-rises to opt out of an ELSS [engineered life safety system] and, for those who do not or cannot, provides more time for installation of an ELSS beyond the current 2019 deadline.” Bogdanoff is part of special interest lobbying aimed at preventing the same level of fire safety in high-rise condominium buildings for the elderly that newer buildings with fire sprinklers benefit from. Legislation two decades ago required the retrofitting of fire sprinklers in all high-rise apartment or condominium buildings. Since then, lobbyists have been fighting to change the law to save money and deny the elderly and others the life safety that fire sprinklers afford. Read the article………….
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