Supporting Your Staff: Letting Your Employees Know You Care

/ Owner - October 10, 2017

Most people go about their days paying little attention to the labor performed by those who make their lives easier. From transit workers to service employees to government officials, how often does one stop to thank the people making everything run along smoothly? Staffs of condominiums, cooperatives, and homeowners’ associations are no exception. Sure, they are compensated for their services, but a regular paycheck is only the most tangible form of appreciation.  So how can your community and administrators really show appreciation for hard jobs done well? Bonuses? Amenities? Parties? Hugs? Possibly! Aside from paychecks, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your staff enjoys coming to work. And while goodwill is, well, good—from a pragmatic point of view, a happy employee is one who is both more productive and less likely to leave, thereby saving your board or management the difficulty of screening a replacement.    Read the article……………

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