One Board, Two Sycamores, Three Concerns in Reston (VA)

/ Owner - January 3, 2021

Two Reston sycamore trees at Lake Anne Village Center appear to be a concern to certain people, but for three different reasons. Their unease involves Reston’s flagship characteristics, its tree canopy, lakes, and public art. Apparent consternation for some residents at Heron House is that the sycamores block lake views. According to the Morton Arboretum, sycamore trees can reach heights of 75 to 100 feet tall with a canopy 50 to 70 feet wide. The high-rise condo is noted for its floor-to-ceiling windows and cement balconies offering extended views of Lake Anne and its fountain. The condo is located on Lake Anne’s edge, a Resource Protection Area (RPA), under the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance.    Read the article…………………………………

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